Chapter Eight

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"Are you going to tell, Adam?"

"Tell him what Nuri? Hey, I'm with my professor and his best friend. Of course the fuck not," I say.

"I mean what are you going to do he literally texts you all the time, and checks on you," She points out.

"I beg to differ. He only texts me when he's bored and when the guys aren't bothering him."

I hug the Panda and the Hello Kitty that I got from him. I was so fucking stupid. I need to think with my brain and not my pussy. Is this what guys feel like when they make a dumb decision.

"I will just ignore him and play it off as I don't like how distracted I have been with him," I add.

"That will work, but for how long?"

"Nuri, Will you stop questioning everything I come up with," I groan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make sense of it. Let me put it into my perspective."

She gets out of her bed and poses.

"You have two dominant men that are overly possessive, do not even want you around other guys. You need their permission for certain things. Don't think that this Adam thing won't be found out."

"On top of that, you have frequent sleepovers and barely here. I bet you right now that you still have clothes over there and let's not forget the fact that you still have Adam's clothes."

"Okay Nuri, I get it. We can take Adam his clothes back. I know I said we because you're coming, we drop his clothes off and leave."

"Thirty bucks that we are going to stay because you wanna spend time with him," she bets.

"Fine and after you take me to five guys," I say.

"Alright get to packing."


Nuri knocks on the Apartment door since I couldn't do it. Tyler opens the door half-naked and smirks.

"You finally come back and bring a pretty lady with you. We were starting to miss you," Tyler smiles.

He lets us in and he picks up on my energy. All the guys were in the kitchen and in the living room. They seemed happy to see me. Adam came over to me and tried to hug me, I moved away from him.

"Shit," Parker mumbles.

"I came to give you your stuff back," I whisper.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that I have a lot of your clothes," I said.

Nuri hands him the duffel bag and he takes it from her. I was just going to leave it like that, but I couldn't. I feel bad.

"I can get my stuff from you another time."

"Did I do something that made you upset?" He asks.

"No, you didn't. I'm sorry Adam," I apologize.

"Come one at least give us a reason. It feels like your breaking up with us as well," Jordan sniveled.

"Jordan shut up this is serious," Kaylen quips.

My phone rings and I turn to Nuri. She looks at me and shakes her head. I knew it was Elijah because I had a special ringtone for him and Grayson. It was for reasons like this.

I let the phone ring and it stops.

"Adam, I just feel like there is a point. I'm a Freshman and your a Junior, It just feels like no point, and deep down you know the only reason why we are talking," I admit.

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