Chapter 69

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A/N: 69 special chapter! Enjoy enjoy ;)

*Time skip*

*Soo-ah's place*

''Are you tired?''- asked Soo-ah.

''Not that much.''- said Jungkook resting his cheek on his palm.

''Babe, you look so sleepy and tired tho.''- said Soo-ah smiling softly.

''What? No, I'm fine.''- said Jungkook yawning.

Soo-ah started giggling and said, ''It's okay baby, you can go and sleep now. Have a good night.''

''But I want to talk to you.''- said Jungkook pouting.

''No baby, you need rest. I will talk to you later.''- said Soo-ah softly.

''I miss you so much.''- said Jungkook looking at her.

''So do I, baby. It's been a month and I just miss your touch, your company.''- said Soo-ah sighing.

''Aww babe. You're gonna make me cry. I wish I was there to kiss you now!''- said Jungkook letting out a sigh.

''Me too.''- said Soo-ah resting her chin on the desk.

*Time skip*

*After one day*

*At the office*

''Miss Kang, the boss just told me to tell you that the manager of the hotel The Meridian called in to discuss a collaboration with them.''- said Roger.

''What? When? But sir didn't tell me anything about any meeting.''- said Soo-ah being confused.

''Yeah, he forgot to tell you. He called me and told me to let you know about it.''- said Roger.

''But what is the collaboration about?''- asked Soo-ah.

''They will discuss it in the meeting.''- said Roger.

''Oh, let me call him.''- said Soo-ah getting for her phone.

''He can't pick it up now, Miss Kang. He is in the shoot.''- said Roger.

''Oh yeah, I forgot. Alright, when should I go?''- said Soo-ah.

''It's in an hour, Miss Kang.''- said Roger.

''Alright, I'm leaving for the meeting then.''- said Soo-ah getting her purse from the desk.

''Why didn't he tell me anything. He should have told me. I needed some time to prepare. Ugh!''- thought Soo-ah being a bit annoyed.

''And I don't know why didn't he call me last night too.''- thought Soo-ah opening the door of the car.

''Maybe he was just too tired. But he never does that tho.''- thought Soo-ah sighing.

She kept looking out of the window as the car started.


She reached thereafter fifteen minutes.

The manager of the hotel bowed down seeing her.

''Welcome, Miss Kang.''- said the manager.

''Thank you.''- said Soo-ah bowing down.

''We will start the meeting right away. Please come with us.''- said the manager.

''Yes, please.''- said Soo-ah nodding.

She started following the manager.

They stopped beside the pool.

''Would you like to sit here, Ma'am?''- asked the manager.

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