Chapter 2

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*7 PM*

A black Audi was running through the busy roads of Seoul.

The street lights were hitting it's body making it blinging all the way.

''A candidate is on their way for the interview, Sir.''- said the manager.

''I have a shoot now. Make it later.''- ??

''But Sir........''- said the manager.

''No ifs or buts, Roger. Make it later.''- ??

''Yes, Sir. I will take care of that.''- said the manager.

''Yes see you at the office.''- ??

''Yes sir.''- said the manager.

He cuts the call.

''Move faster.''- ??

''Yes, Sir.''- said the driver raising the speed a bit.


*Soo-ah's place*

She was getting ready for the interview.

She was confident enough to get the job and smart enough to dress like a pro.

She wore a black office dress. Her lucky color.

''I wouldn't have left Black for anyone. It's my lucky color though it's not for many.''- she smirked at herself in the mirror.

She took her belongings.

She came downstairs and met her eomma and appa.

''All the best, honey.''- said Mrs. Kang.

Mr. and Mrs. Kang hugged Soo-ah.

Soo-ah hugged them back and said, ''Pray for me.''

They let go of the hug and Mr. Kang said, ''Let me tell the driver to drop you there.''

Soo-ah looked at him and said, ''Give me the car keys. I will drive tonight.''

''Honey, you're nervous enough. Don't stress yourself.''- said Mrs. Kang panicking.

Soo-ah smiled and said, ''Don't worry I'm okay, eomma and your daughter is a pretty good driver.''

She winked at Mrs. Kang.

Mr. and Mrs. Kang smiled to see her cheerful.

Soo-ah took the car keys and got into the car.

''Don't rush.''- said Mr. Kang waving at her.

She smiled and waved them back.

She was driving through the roads vibing with the music playing in the car.


She reached the office building and parked her car.

She got out of the car and her eyes widened!

She started walking to the office.

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