how you're working through it

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a/n part 2 of toxic traits! THIS IS SO LONG

also, as i was writing silco's i was very inspired, so his is the next chapter! it's hella long

request from @vin3yards and some hurt/comfort for @froggyfresa (this won't be the end of the angst just give me time 😀 )

- it was after a big argument about it that you step up to talk

- you apologize for over doting on him, but also wish he would speak his mind more often

- he agreed that he should open up more and holds your hands, intertwining your fingers together

- very awkwardly tries to explain his feelings

- "i'm...i'm sick all the time. i just—i'm weak, all the time, yeah?"

- you squeeze his hand

- "so? that doesn't mean i love you any less."

  "yes but, maybe you could love someone better. someone healthy and charming, and—"

  "you're plenty charming."

- you untangle your hands and flip his over, palm facing upwards, then kiss it

- you confess

- "i don't care about someone else. i love you most. you're my everything."

- he tears up and laughs, pulling you into a hug


- you smile and kiss him, making him cry more

- "i love you," he says through tears

- your eyes get glossy but you laugh and hold him closer

- so you rein in on the doting, although it's difficult, and he tries to talk more about his thoughts so you can take care of each other better

- i cried a little writing this ngl

- she's having one of her fits when she says something really mean

- "do you really think you're irreplaceable?! i got plenty a' friends lined up to be with me! who needs you anyways?"

- usually you brush it off because you know she doesn't mean it

- but damn. ouch.

- you start crying, not from pain, not from losing a friend, but because of her. because of Jinx.

- Jinx is horrified with herself and immediately holds you

- when you don't throw your arms around her, she panics and the voices in her head get louder

- she shakes you by the shoulders and apologizes profusely

- "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry, i'm sorry, please, i'm sorry! don't cry, okay?"

- you sniffle and try to stop but it doesn't happen

- like years worth of tears just flood from your eyes

- Jinx, having no experience in comforting people, hugs you as tight as she can, planting feathery kisses all over your face and shoulders, running her hands through your hair (again unless you're 👩‍🦲)

- you finally calm down

- but it's not like you're suddenly in tune with your emotions enough to explain what just happened, and Jinx doesn't have the courage to talk about it either

- even after your tears dry, she's still cradling you and doting on you

- from then on she begins to treat you even more gently, thinks about how you take care of her and tries to mimic it

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