when they meet your dog

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request from @WolfLover_13
thank you for requesting!

- thinks animals are sweet

- but is a little afraid of dogs

- they have. teeth

- anyways when he meets your dog for the first time, he approaches very hesitantly

- your dog responds with a tentative sniff and a small nod

- Viktor smiles and takes it as his cue to pet them

- pats them on the head very awkwardly, confusing you and your dog

- loves animals intensely

- you find a puppy in an alleyway and bring them home

- she immediately squeals at the sight of them and runs to you faster than she ever has before

- scoops the puppy up and proceeds to take it on a terrifying tour of your secret base

- the dog eventually gets used to her energy and you three end the day eating a meal together on the floor

- an animal lover as well

- when she meets your furry friend, she is immediately enamored

- it's not about you anymore

- you're now second place in her heart i'm sorry

- they become the very best of friends

- bond over how much they love you and how much you love them

- very eager to meet them

- as the daughter of a strict Councilor, she never really had time for pets

- so meeting your dog is like a dream come true

- full access to the fluff? sign her UP

- she buys all sorts of toys and treats for their first meeting, and your dog is immediately in love

- who could resist??

- averagely happy

- he loves animals but is more used to them than others

- idk he just seems like an animal guy

- but of course he still melts over your dog

- immediately scoops them up no matter how big they are

- treats and snacks and scratches all day

- he treats the dog better than you

- at first hesitant

- not a lot of interaction with energetic animals like dogs

- the first time they meet it's a very awkward game of who approaches who first

- eventually your dog lays down and Mel feels comfortable enough to come closer

- she lets them sniff her hand and then gives it a light pat on the head

- your dog huffs and nudges her hand

- her face brightens and she takes a seat next to them, running her hand down its back

- later she asks you all about them, what treats they like, when they like to take walks, where is the best place to scratch them, etc etc

- you and Ekko picked them up as a puppy

- the dog adores you

- but the two get along like siblings

- they fight over the best couch spot, food, even over your affection

- but at the end of the day they love each other very much

- the dog only goes on walks peacefully if Ekko comes with and is as protective of him as they are of you

- prefers scaly things that are aquatic

- fur is not his strong suit

- he doesn't mind them of course

- but he is more inclined to fishies of the deep

- your dog doesn't mind either, they still seek affection from Silco, which softens him up

- buys them treats and the occasional toy

- you have a very pampered pooch now


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