you flinch during an argument

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request from @WolfLover_13

a/n sorry this took so long i had to help some family move out of their house and hurt my hand 😭 but i finished! also all of them end nicely because we believe in healthy relationships in this house :) hope you like it and thank you for requesting!!

- being from the undercity meant being accustomed to violence

- you naturally developed strong reflexes from those years

- Viktor raises his voice during an argument and slams his cane against the floor

- you flinch, but he doesn't notice

- he leaves to the lab to calm down, and ends up sleeping there

- jayce wakes him up the next morning and Viktor just gets straight into work

- he doesn't notice during the argument, but reflects on it and realizes how you reacted

- is distracted for the rest of the day but tries to bury himself in his work

- by the time he finishes it's night

- he sighs and steels his nerves

- walking home, he buys a bouquet of flowers and your favorite food

- he reaches for the door handle, but stops himself. taking a deep breath, he turns the knob and walks inside

- he walks in and sees you passed out on the couch

- he sits beside you and sighs

- you wake up and startle him

- you both chuckle a little, and then he hangs his head

- offers you the flowers and food sheepishly, you tear up a little and accept it

- apologies are made, and you come to understand more of each other's pasts and what led you to each other

- she has, unfortunately, hurt you before

- not on purpose of course, never on purpose

- but it happens during an episode or when you're out on the field

- you two start arguing over your last mission because she went overboard

- like more than she usually does

- her voice gets louder and hoarse, and her eyes start to look the way they do when she's wreaking havoc

- it makes you nervous, but you don't back down

- eventually she raises her arms up to make a point and you flinch away

- it was reflexive more than anything else

- but jinx caught it

- her eyes widened and she immediately shrunk into herself

- she apologizes profusely, repeating herself and stepping away from you because she knows why you flinched

- but you bridge the gap she made and call her name

- she hesitates, but reaches out for you, slowly this time, and you lean into her as her palm trembles against your face

- you pull her in by the arm and hug her

- she reciprocates and squeezes you tight

- after getting out of prison, she had worried you

- you knew some of her story, but not all of it

- so when she starts picking fights, you get worried

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