favorite activity to do together

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- you two tend to do different things while sharing the same space

- he might be sketching out his newest invention as you focus on your own work

- you take breaks together, updating each other on the progress you made

- you'll gently rub his face with your thumbs so he can rest his eyes

- he puts his hands over yours while you do it

- very relaxing

- whether you enjoy it or not, Jinx likes to go around the Lanes and wreak havoc

- she'll plant little paint bombs on people as you speed by on a bike

- sometimes you'll end up on a roof, where she likes knocking over trash with a pipe onto the people below

- food break where you two compete to eat the most food

- sparring!

- she wants you to be able to defend yourself

- it ends up being super fun

- you guys almost always go all out

- smirking at each other whenever you get a hit in

- taking care of each other afterwards, icing bruises and kissing little scars

- eating meals together

- she's often busy with work, so you try to have lunch with her when you're both on a break

- she tells you about her day, you tell her about yours

- likes to tease you by feeding you directly from her fork

- enjoys taking walks with you

- it's the only time of day you guys separate yourselves from work

- you usually go outside and try to get some fresh air

- talk about progress, how annoying your superiors are, and so and so

- you two try to catch the sunset together and everything

- very romantic and sappy

- pinterest type of relationship

- painting

- it's a skill she usually keeps to herself

- but she decided to share it with you

- you enjoy it as well

- sometimes you guys work on something together, but it's usually separate pieces

- you bond over the activity and relish in the comfortable atmosphere

- hoverboarding at night (idk what they're called)

- competes to see who can do the coolest trick

- it's also a way for you guys to practice maneuvers and riding on the board

- good way to pass the time while on standby for anything that might happen

- often you end up just doing tricks that get the most laughs out of each other

- he loves when he makes you laugh

- reading

- when he has the time, he tries to indulge in a good book

- you picked up the habit from him and you both read to pass time

- y'all cute

- Silco explicitly tells everyone not to interrupt because it's usually the only break time he'll get with you


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