favorite type of affection

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- massages

- his body often aches in pain

- so every so often you give him a massage

- melts underneath your touch, and is grateful that someone cares about him enough to help him

- after you finish, he gives you a massage too as thanks

- dancing cheek to cheek

- she likes music and dancing

- she'll bow and extend her hand out, to which you laugh and take it

- she spins you into her arms and presses her face into yours

- you two just sway, with or without music, holding each other close

- it helps clear her mind and grounds her

- arm around your shoulder

- protective, trying to cover your neck

- easygoing and represents your closeness, how much you two rely on each other

- just holding you close like that is all she needs

- knocking foreheads together

- wants to be close

- will hum or speak in a hushed tone

- suddenly, you two become the only people in the world

- relaxing

- walking arm in arm

- he likes how you fit together

- wishes he could do it all the time but he needs his arms to work :(

- sometimes will slide down to your hand and tangle your fingers together

- or lean onto you and send you both careening to the side

- arm around the waist

- sort of protective

- comfortable to do so while walking

- and she can pull you into a hug at anytime, so convenient

- especially at work when she takes little breaks

- she presses her head into your stomach and sighs

- you rub her back in comfort

- head on your shoulder

- definitely loves leaning on you

- being the leader of the Firelights is tiring for a young guy

- the warmth of your skin and your breathing recharge him

- snuggles in as close as possible

- falls asleep like that

- hand holding

- i feel like he's not very keen on physical affection but understands that you both need it sometimes

- will hold your hand while working, or when he's thinking

- absentmindedly rubs it with his thumb

- you sometimes bring both hands to your cheek and keep it there for a little while

- he'll reciprocate by opening his hand and cupping your face for a brief moment

- again all of this happens VERY rarely

a/n SILCO IS SO OOC what the heck is this 😭


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