love language

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Acts of Service
- has a difficult time showing affection through words or touch

- so the spoken "i love you's" are few and far between

- but is always trying to make your day better

- lays out your uniform if he wakes up before you

- brings lunch if you haven't eaten

- will run small errands on your busier days

- just small, nonverbal "i love you's" that show how much he cares for you

Physical Touch
- helps ground her with you

- always holding your hand

- you're warm and welcoming

- melts into you

- especially loves when you play with her hair

- she naturally pulls you in for hugs and cuddles, holding you close

- "you're so warm..."

Physical Touch
- prison is a cold, solitary place

- your warmth comforted her in difficult times

- you make her feel safe, like a kid again

- if she's had an especially hard day, she'll hold your wrist and you get the message, pulling her in and holding her close

- snuggles into you and sighs


Words of Affirmation
- feels like words carry the heaviest weight

- being able to use them to express deep emotions is important for her

- she often tells you small sweet confessions, "i dreamt about you", "you make me smile", "i like your ears", etc.

- but this is after you guys have been dating for a while

Gift Giving
- an inventor, he makes big ideas real

- so he makes you things and presents them to you

- puts his heart and soul into it

- like he gets really into it

- goes overboard

- you now have a great many trinkets in your room

- that you love equally

Quality Time
- as a council member, time is a precious commodity

- so she spends all her extra time on you

- because you're that important to her

- it doesn't matter how it's spent as long as she's with you

- gives you her undivided attention

- flustered you at first but you grew into it

Gift Giving
- growing up in the undercity, there isn't much to go around

- so when he does come across something nice or something he thinks you'd appreciate, he gives it to you

- it's usually small, like pretty rocks or mechanical parts you're missing, but a lot of thought is presented with it

- he'll even bring you food that's hard to come by

- though you usually end up sharing with everyone in the base

Gift Giving
- Silco too, was born into scarcity

- in fact, he grew up in it with you

- so he shares anything nice he buys, like luxurious items, food, clothes and nice jackets

- will also, on rare occasions, ask Jinx to bring back things after an assignment because he is not so inclined to your wants

- they're usually sort of weird, like shiny objects she found(i.e. glass) or jewelry (that she stole)

- but you appreciate it all the same

a/n which love language do you think suits them best?


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