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For the past one week, Arieon had been nagging Enzo to let her go out of the house. Finally, he agreed because his mother had confronted him to do so.

"Take Marcus with you and you must come back before five o'clock", he told her. She rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch. "You're not my dad!" she spat and turned to leave.

"Watch your tone", he warned and she hissed at him before walking out of his office. She walked into the living room to see one of his men standing there. "Are you Marcus?", She asked him. He nodded, "Capo asked me to accompany you".

At least he was nice. He was tall with Sandy blonde hair but he had bright green eyes that looked like emerald gems. "Your eyes are pretty", she blurted out her thoughts and her eyes widened.

Marcus chuckled, "Thank you, I get that a lot from many people". She nodded and followed him out of the mansion. "Capo told me to let you choose the car you want", he said as they walked into the large garage.

Arieon nearly squealed in excitement as she saw the number of expensive sport cars and SUV's lined up orderly. She spotted a white BMW and pointed at it.

"That's one of his favorite cars", Marcus said with a grin. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind", she said as she approached the car. Marcus followed her and they got in.

"I need to learn how to drive very soon", she said as he started the car. "Capo can teach you", Marcus said to her and she made a noise. "He's too busy", she said with an eye roll. "He can find time for you", he said and she shrugged.

She knew that Enzo would rather walk on hot coal than teach her how to drive.

"Why are you blonde? I thought Italians have mostly black hair or brown", she asked him. "A handful full of Italians are blonde and I fall in that category", he said and she nodded.

His phone began to ring and he picked it up seeing the caller ID. "Capo", he said. "Hand the phone to her", Enzo's voice could be heard. Marcus gave her the phone. "How may I help you?", She asked as she raised a brow. "Marcus is with my card. He'll give you and you'll buy whatever you want. Buy yourself a new phone", he said and her heart leaped with joy.

"Is this the part where I say thank you?", She asked teasingly. She could picture him with his stupid smirk as he spoke, "Whether or not you say thank you will not affect me in anyway". She rolled her eyes at his response, "Goodbye". She handed the phone back to Marcus.

"Take care of her", Enzo told him. "Yes, Capo", Marcus said and he hung up. "So, where do you want to go?", He asked Arieon. "Take me anywhere", she said and he nodded.

They spent the next few hours touring the state. "I'm hungry", Arieon said and he nodded. He parked in front of a diner.

They got out of the car and went in. "Sit here, I'll order you something to eat", he said to her and she nodded before going to sit at a table by the window.

Then she brought out the small package box of the new iPhone she brought earlier. As she began to do her business, a man approached her. "Hello beautiful", he said making her look up to lock her eyes with warm brown ones.

"Hi", she smiled warmly. He was good looking with brown hair that matched his eyes and a shard jaw with a straight nose. He looked like a model. "What are you doing here all by yourself?", He asked as he sat across her.

"Setting up my phone", she raised up the iPhone for him to see and he nodded. "You aren't Italian", he said and she nodded. "I'm American", she said. "What are you doing here then? If I may ask", he said.

"I married an Italian", she said and he nodded. "He's treating you well, I see", he said as he studied her. She nodded, "My friend and I decided to come here to have lunch". She pointed at Marcus who was talking to the cashier.

"What's your name?", He asked. "You'll have to tell me yours then", she said with a grin. He nodded, "Deal".

"I'm Arieon", she said and he smiled. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Lucas", he said and she smiled back. "The name fits you", she said. "Thank you", he said.

Marcus collected their order from the cashier and turned around to walk to their table when he spotted a man sitting there talking to Arieon.

He frowned and approached them. "And who might you be?", He asked the man. "Relax, Marcus. He's a friend", Arieon told him. "In that case, you'll have to excuse us", Marcus told the man. Lucas rolled his eyes and stood up. "It was wonderful meeting you, Arieon. I hope we'll see again", he smiled at Arieon and walked away.

Arieon turned to Marcus who sat across her. "What was that for?", She glared at him. "you're welcome. I'm sure you know that Capo will have his head for talking to you if he ever found out", he told her. She scowled at how intolerable Vincenzo was.

"I officially hate that man", she grumbled and he chuckled. "I got you fries and chicken. It's spicy", he said and a grin overtook her frown. "It's like you know me well", she smiled before digging into her food.

After having lunch, they decided to go back to the mansion. "Thank you for showing me around. I had fun", Arieon said to  Marcus as they walked into the mansion. He smiled, "It was my pleasure, Arieon. I have to go now". She nodded and watched him leave the mansion before heading towards Enzo's office.

Without knocking, she walked in. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Isabella sitting in the chair in front of his desk while he was writing something down.

"Did I interrupt something?", She asked. Isabella turned to face her with a smirk while Enzo raised a brow. "I actually thought you would come around ten o'clock", he said.

She rolled her eyes and walked over to him. "I'm here and here is your card", she handed him his golden card. He collected it from her and placed it in his pocket.

Isabella watched in jealous, that was the card she always used when they were together. Then a plan formulated in her head, she was going to destroy their marriage and make Enzo fall back in love with her and then Arieon would be gone without a trace. That was what she was going to do and no one will stop her from getting what she wants.

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