(26) It Will Rain

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"Your daddy can't even look me in the eye."
-Bruno Mars

For Friday night, it was an away game, but also a rather big game. This is the one that determines whether or not they move on to sections.

Though it was an away game, there was still a rather big turnout from our fans. Everyone was really hopeful despite how bad they have been playing lately.

I watched from the student section as the ball was kicked to Braxton. He picked it up and began to run. He was tackled around the 35 yard line and the offense took their places on the field.

"How badly do you think he'll screw this up?" I asked Lacey.

"Ugh. Get your boyfriend Cato to play for us."

"Not my boyfriend!"

"That's what they all say!" she exclaimed as Ryder threw the ball way too high, making it impossible for Carew to catch.

Soon enough, the ball was overturned because Ryder threw an interception. The crowd groaned as the other team ran right to the end zone and received an easy six points.

"This is embarrassing," I mumbled.

Lacey nodded in agreement as the opposing team kicked a field goal, receiving another point.

As the game went on, our defense managed to shut the other team down. The score was only 10-3, and we had just begun the third quarter.

Ryder had the ball, and he threw it way too low, causing a scramble for the ball. We nearly lost possession, but Braxton recovered it.

However, I had enough and I walked right onto the field. It had just started to rain as I stepped foot onto the turf.

"Dad!" I yelled.

He turned around and glared at me. "Go. You can't be down here."

"But I know what he needs to fix!" I cried.

He looked between me and the field, just as Ryder got completely laid out.

"Someone get her a headset!" he yelled.

A second later, an assistant coach handed me a headset, which I put on.

"James," I said as I began to walk down the sideline, "I know you don't want to hear from me, but listen. You need to keep your elbow up. That's why you are throwing too low. However, for this play, look deep. Jackson is wide open down the field, and don't forget your elbow!"

When the whistle was blown, he ran up and down, trying to find a throw. Jackson was once again, wide open.

"Look at Jackson!" I yelled.

Ryder began to run and nearly got tackled. I groaned in annoyance, but he finally threw the ball and it sailed safely into Jackson's arms. Jackson ran the ball, but was tackled seven yards short of the end zone.

"If you can, run. You have good enough footwork to break through the defense. If not, try to keep the throws as minimal as possible."

Then, the mic cut out and the whistle was blown once more. The sideline was silent as the offense tried to get open, however a gap appeared. Ryder sprinted through it and fell right into the end zone.

The crowd erupted into cheers and so did the sidelines.

"Nice job, Ains. I don't know how you do it," said my dad as we gained an extra point from a field goal.

Now in the fourth quarter, we were only three points away from tying and we had the ball. There was only a minute left in the game so tensions were running high.

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