(8) Take A Chance On Me

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"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me."

—also, possible tw, very small mention of unwanted touching—

It was Friday night. We had yet another successful week of volleyball as we won our game last night. For the football game tonight, my dad had let me stand on the sidelines so I could help make calls.

Ryder stood beside me just before taking the field. "Anything I should know?" he asked.

"Their linebacker, his number is 54. He is really fast. Keep an eye out for him. Other than that, this team is nothing special and I think you can take them."

Ryder nodded and put on his helmet just as the ref blew the whistle, signaling for the players to take the field. Ryder and the other players took the field. Then, the whistle was blown again and the clock started.

"Set . . . hut!" Ryder yelled, receiving the ball from the snap.

He juked out a linebacker charging straight at him and then made an impressive throw to Jackson who caught the ball and ran it far.

As if looking for approval, Ryder glanced over at me and I gave him a nod with a smile. "That was good, James," I mouthed as the players reset farther down the field.


The game went on and we managed to keep a steady lead, however we were in the fourth quarter and it was clear the guys were struggling. The other team was closing the gap in points.

I stood with my arms crossed as I watched Ryder overthrow the ball, missing Carew entirely. I knew it was because his leg was too stiff, so when he threw his leg jerked and the ball soared upwards rather than forwards.

"Dad, can I talk to him real quick?" I asked. "I think I know what he needs to fix."

He nodded and handed me a headset that is synced up to Ryder's earpiece. "Ryder," I said. He looked over from where he stood on the field, probably surprised that I was talking. "You locked your leg. That caused the ball to go upwards. Focus on keeping your shoulder parallel to the ground instead. You should be able to get it to Carew no problem if you do that," I said just as the mic cut out. Coaches are only given a certain amount of time between each play to talk to the players before the connection is cut.

However, from the field, Ryder sent a thumbs up and then received the ball from the snap. Carew took off running deep, and Ryder threw to him. He did exactly as I said, keeping his shoulder parallel. I cheered as the ball soared right down the field and into the safety of Carew's arms, who ran it right into the end zone.

With us now leading by 13 and there only being a minute left in the game, everyone in the crowd was getting excited. Ryder came off the field and I gave him a high five as he jogged over to the water boy.

When he came back he smiled down at me. "Ainsley saved the game again," he said.

I shrugged. "It's what I do best."


It was now Saturday night and I was getting ready for the party at Lacey's because I knew there was no chance my parents would let me leave the house. So, I told them I was staying at Lacey's for the night.

I opened my phone to see Ryder had snapped me. It was a picture of him and Jackson sitting in his car. "On our way," read the snap.

"They'll be here soon," I said nervously.

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