(21) Rather Be

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"When I am with you, there is no place I'd rather be."
-Clean Bandit [feat. Jess Glynne]

Two weeks later, we were back on the sidelines, and Ryder was playing since he had healed up from his concussion.

"Atta babe!" I cried as he made an impressive throw to Carew, who ran it into the end zone.

As Ryder ran off the field, he gave me a high five before taking a water from the athletic trainer.

"Nice throw," I said as he stood beside me. He was so close that we were touching.

"Thanks. Good call for the play."

Except as I went to respond, he stepped away from me and crossed his arms.

I looked around, and of course, my dad was staring us down.

So, when Ryder went back onto the field, I tried to pay attention to what I was saying into my headset because my dad could also hear as our headsets are synced up.

"Ainsley," said my dad as Ryder took his position. "I think we're all good for tonight considering we are in the fourth quarter and up by 13. Go have fun with your friends," he said with a pointed look.

"But Dad, that's not a big lead at all . . ."

"Ainsley," he said with spite and a look that I did not want to argue with.

Sighing, because I knew he could tell there was something going on between Ryder and me, I took the headset off and handed it to him.

"Can I at least stay on the field in case I'm needed?" I pleaded. 

"Our coaching staff can take care of it. Now go have fun, you don't need to be on the field at all times."

So, I turned around and trudged up to the student section because I was honestly defeated. I really, truly, do enjoy being on the field, not even for Ryder necessarily. I just think it's fun, but coaching Ryder is a plus, of course.

"Ains! How's it going?" asked Lacey while I maneuvered my way through the many people so I could sit next to her.

"I'm alright. The student section is wild tonight," I commented as I gazed up at all the students behind me, who were all decked out in beach themed outfits.

"Mhm. You need something," she said as she reached down into the row below us and took a straw hat off of the head of Prince, a boy in our grade.

"Rude!" he cried as he turned to look up at us. Laughing, I put it on my head.

"Well, I guess it's okay because it's you. How are you and that hot Quarterback?" he asked. "If you two don't work out, send him my way," Prince said with a wink.

"I'll keep that in mind," I giggled as the student section launched into singing "Sweet Caroline" by Niel Diamond because we were nearing the end zone.

"Do you think we have a chance to go to state?" Prince yelled through the singing students.

It was something my dad has been talking about since he started to coach this team. He claimed they have so much potential to go far and I honestly agree with him considering how well they have been playing.

"Definitely. They have already won more games than they have in 10 years."

"Amazing, and all thanks to your hunky QB!" he teased.

"Ugh, Prince, stop!" I cried as a blush appeared on my cheeks.


"Ainsley!" called my dad when he returned home from the game that night.

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