(1) August

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"I never needed anything more."
-Taylor Swift

A soft knock came from my bedroom door so I got up to open it. My mom stood on the other side.

"Could you help me set up the dinner?" she asked.

"What's 'the dinner?'" I questioned.

"Ainsley, did you really forget? Your dad has been making a huge deal of this for weeks now!"

"Oh, right. Be right downstairs."

So basically, my dad decided to coach my high school's football team this year. Embarrassing, trust me, I know. They have sucked for years on end and he thinks he can change that because of his experience in football. Anyways, their first game is on Friday and he has decided to host a dinner for them at our house so they can go over a plan and watch video of the other team.

I hurried down the large staircase and across the marble floors, which led to the kitchen. My mom was already in there, and she had several bowls, plates, cups, and food and drinks out.

"Start filling these bowls with chips and fruits," she explained.

I did as she said and just as I finished up everything she asked of me, my dad barged into the kitchen. He gave both my mom and me a hug.

"Thanks for helping set this up," he said while I watched the first car pull up the driveway.

"And that's my cue to leave," I said as I hurried upstairs and into my room because I already knew my dad would embarrass me. He would say something like, 'go near my daughter and you'll be off the team.'

As I watched a movie in my room, I could hear the team downstairs. They were so damn loud.

"Aye! Coach! I didn't realize you are the Nick Sloane!" cried one of the players.

I cringed slightly, hoping none of them put two and two together and realize I'm his daughter. I want a social life. Not one that involves all the football players running away from me because they're afraid their playtime will get cut.

Lots of laughter and loud voices could be heard as the players messed around downstairs. However, things finally seemed to calm down when my dad ushered them into the theater so they could watch the film.

I took that as the opportunity to rush downstairs and get some food.

As I filled a bowl with fruits and grabbed a soda, I heard someone walk into the kitchen, but I ignored them - I look a lot like my mom. Maybe they will mistake me for her.

"Excuse me?" asked a deep voice, "do you know where Coach Sloane's playbook would be?"

Without turning around I said, "his office."

"Okay, where is that? This place is massive."

I snuck a peek behind me to see who I was even talking to, and of course, it's Ryder James.

Basically, the low down on Ryder is that he is the quarterback with a lot of potential. He is very well known throughout our town and probably has several offers from colleges and will likely have more to come considering it's only our junior year of high school.

Ryder is also incredibly attractive, but I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend because every girl he could ever dream of wanting is after him. He has gorgeous, brown hair that is curly. It's usually covered by a hat that he wears backwards. His eyes are blue and he has tan skin. Also, he has the most charming smile I have ever seen. Ryder is simply gorgeous, but not someone I would ever be with.

"It's upstairs and at the end of the hall. You can't miss it," I said.

He thanked me and then when I was sure he was likely in my dad's office, I made an escape to my room. Except on my way up, I ran into Ryder, who very clearly had not found my dad's office.

"Ainsley Sloane, you suck at giving directions," he said while looking around aimlessly.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk down the hall, but made a stop at my room to set down my food.

"My dad will be pissed if he sees you walking with me," I said.

A cocky smirk formed on Ryder's face. "I'm the QB, best in the league, and probably one of the best in the country right now. He won't bother punishing me."

"That's stretching it a bit. You're a little predictable as you always throw to Carew. I mean Carew is good and all, but it's so obvious what you're going to do. Also, when throwing a deep ball, you raise your shoulder a bit too much. Oh, and also—"

"Since when do you know so much about football?"

I pushed open the door to my dad's office, which was decorated with his many awards from playing pro and his old jerseys which were framed and hung up on the wall.

"I'm an only child. My dad has to watch football with someone," I said as I started to rummage through the drawers in his desk. Ryder began to search the shelves, but I think he was actually admiring all the awards.

"I had no clue your dad was the Nick Sloane, let alone you were his daughter," he said as he looked at my dad's rings.

"It's not something I can just bring up in an everyday conversation," I muttered.

"Your dad is Nick Sloane! He is one of the best players of all time! I would be telling everyone!"

"Obviously you don't love him enough to realize he lives in the same town as you."

"Ouch. No need to call me out like that, Sloane."

I smiled at him just as I found the playbook. I tossed it over to him and he caught it. "Put in a good word for me with your dad by the way."

"Trust me. He talks about you quite a bit and says you have some nice potential."

"No way! Nick Sloane, one of the best quarterbacks of all time, thinks I have potential!?" he asked, with genuine excitement on his face.

"Mhm, but I would get away from me. You don't want him revoking your playtime because he got the wrong idea," I said.

Ryder wore a big smile. "Yeah, right. Thanks. I'll see you at the volleyball game on Thursday then, right?"

I nodded. "Yep. Bring as many people as you can. We want it loud."

"Sounds good. See you around, Ainsley."

When he left, I flopped into my dad's chair. I have never actually had a full conversation with Ryder James, but after that, I have to say I agree with all the girls who love chasing after him because he really is charming.

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