Chapter 73: Going After Her

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Tonight was the night. I was upset of course. Distraught was a better word to describe how I had been feeling these past few days.

Looking around at Diana's empty corner, I felt a part of me die. Her being such a huge part of my life and now leaving such a huge hole now she was leaving.

Y/N: *sigh* It's getting to that sort of time...

I left the dorm and just walked around for a while. Trying my best to get my mind off of it all.

But how was I meant to?

I would never get used to her leaving...

Akko: Oh Y/N!!! Hey!!!

Lifting my head up, there was Akko walking in my direction. At least she was here!

Y/N: Hey Akko.

She frowned a little as she walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

Akko: What's wrong Y/N? You seem a bit down?

Y/N: I-I'm fine Akko...

Akko: I don't think you are Y/N. You can tell me whatever is wrong you know?

I sigh and nod my head.

Y/N: Alright I will tell you. First, where are you going?

Akko: Just to the cafeteria. I'm so hungry and wanted to see if they had anything left.

Good. That's where I could go as well.

Y/N: Okay, I'll come with you! I'm hungry now as well!

She giggles a little and drags me to the cafeteria.

Akko: You gonna tell me then? I can tell by looking in your eyes Y/N. What's wrong?

I really wasn't in the right place to tell her. But she was just going to continue to nag me until I did tell her.

Y/N: D-Diana's leaving.

Akko: WHAT?!

She stopped us and grabbed my shoulders.

Akko: What do you mean she's leaving?!

I take her hands and drag her to the cafeteria. It would be best if we were sat down so I could properly tell her.

When we did get there, Hannah and Barbara were sat alone each with tissues in their hands and tears falling down their cheeks.

Y/N: Oh you two...

I forgot that this would effect them greatly as well.

Hannah: Y-Y/N?

I made my way over and wrapped my arms around that both of them and brought them closer. They practically fell on top of me and buried their heads in my chest, sobbing their hearts out.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry you two. I forgot how much this would effect you...

Hannah: I-I d-didn't th-think she w-would be going now...

I look back at Akko who looked confused but also a slight bit sympathetic.

Y/N: Even after all you've been through, I wouldn't expect any less of Akko.

I hold my arm out in Akko's direction and she joined in the hug. The other two didn't even bother to complain and I even think Akko put her arms around them both as well.

This was nice to be a part of. And maybe, they'll be nicer to her afterwards.

Akko: So what's actually happening with Diana?

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