Chapter 55: The New Professor

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When I realised I would be attending magic school, I didn't think it would be as...chaotic as it had been so far.

The copious amount of adventures and tasks I had been set on in just these few months have really began to hit home. I wasn't built for a life like this. Everything was moving too quickly and I was struggling to keep up with it all.

Physically not so much, it was mentally that was my problem. Diana always says that it will all come with time and practice. Ursula has been saying the same thing.

Then there was Akko. A girl that had an endless spirit to achieve her dream! And this whole business with the Shiny Rod had to mean something. Although right now I couldn't get my head around it.

Bice: Y/N? Are you feeling alright? You've been spaced out for quite a while.

I am brought out of my deep thoughts by Bice who was cuddled up to me along with Bridget and Erika.

Y/N: I-I'm fine...

Bridget: No. You're not fine! Y/N, we can read your expressions by now!

Shoot. That's a good point.

Y/N: Fair enough. *sigh* a-alright then. I'm not th-that ok.

Erika: W-well what's wrong?

Y/N: E-everything i-is going too quick f-for me to process. I-I feel l-like I'm being left behind.

Bice: Learning magic is a challenging thing Y/N! It will take time.

Y/N: Everyone has been saying that. I-I j-just need to slow down I think.

Erika: How?

Y/N: I-I'm not sure. I-I have to think about it.

I definitely need time away to think about all this. Away from Luna Nova? Perhaps. But this was home, and I didn't want to leave the girls here.

The thought of a holiday sounded fantastic though!


Y/N: They've done what now?

Holbrooke: The workers have gone on strike. They've formed a labours union.

This did catch me by surprise, but like any workplace if the workers are unhappy then they have a right to protest.

Although, when it comes to the school functioning then maybe there could be some middle ground while they try and find better terms.

Y/N: Th-they must have a r-reason.

Holbrooke: Oh no they do. They are demanding a higher share of the sorcerer's stones energy.

Y/N: Th-then why not give it to them?

Badcock: There just isn't enough!

Professor Badcock had just come out of nowhere and began to speak about how much energy the school already uses for its students and teachers.

Y/N: S-so y-you don't have any spare energy.
C-can't you just use a little less?

Finnelan: It's not quite as simple as that. This is a magic school and the power used by teachers in students is every high! We cannot afford to give any away

Holbrooke: We could always ask our alumni to share some of their energy. They all run farms and factories that use the energy from the sorcerer's stone.

Y/N: B-but won't they need that too?

Holbrooke: When it comes to the school, I think they'll be willing to be generous.

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