Chapter 51: The Samhein Festival

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Apologies for the wait! I hope I can make it up to you guys with a 4000 word chapter! :)

I do thank you all for being very patient with me! I super appreciate it! I hope I can now get even more chapters out for this story now!

Anyways, enjoy!




Akko: When the clock strikes midnight, Vajarois will appear at the end of the Samhein Festival! Grief-stricken from losing all her loved ones, Vajarois will devour the sacrificesin one single bite!

Akko was monologuing about what would happen for our bit in the festival. I say our bit, but I really mean theirs.

The headmistress had said that because of traditional circumstances I couldn't be seen at the festival. Apparently the alumni wouldn't approve of it.

I thought it was kinda harsh and all but I just accepted it. Though it still didn't stop me from helping these three out.

Lotte: Are we really gonna be eaten like that?! It makes me feel-.

Sucy: Intensely excited?

Y/N: I don't think she was going to say that.

Akko: Alright! We're gonna make sure that this festival goes a little differently than usual!

Lotte: Huh?

Akko: When Chariot was chosen as the moonlit witch for her use of metamorphosis magic, I don't even think she cared about being chosen! I think all she wanted to do is entertain people!

A determined look spreads across her face.

Akko: Let's make sure that she cries of laughter instead! That will get people talking for sure!

Sucy: Do we really have to?

Akko was a bit taken aback by that, as was I?

Y/N: W-what's wrong with the plan? I-I think i-it's a good idea!

Akko: Thank you Y/N! Don't you guys just think it's so gloomy and depressing how Vajarois goes around eating sacrifices? Magic should be fun and inspiring to watch! It should be used to make people happy! Don't you guys think so?

Sucy: Akko, your enthusiasm is contagious. But this is too much.

Sucy sits back on her bed and gently kisses my cheek as I continue to watch the conversation.

Lotte: We should probably just stick to the original plan!

Akko: But we have to use Chariot's metamorphosis magic on it! Otherwise it will just continue going on being sad forever!

Lotte: This is how the ceremony has been done for years though!

Sucy: And besides, it's not like you have mastered basic metamorphosis magic yet!

Akko: I-. Yeah I guess you're right...

There were a few moments of silence until Lotte speaks up again.

Lotte: Listen, I know you're doing this with the best intentions, but we can't always follow what you wanna do.

Lotte climbs up the ladder and onto her bed as Akko stands in the middle of the room.

Akko: I just wanna show everyone how wonderful magic is!

Lotte takes out her wand and blows on it and the lights go out.

Y/N: I-I can do it!

Akko: N-no Y/N! I have to do this!

She sits down on her bed and looks at the ceiling.

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now