Chapter 28

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Two Months Later

Xavier walked out of the bathroom and went into the closet. After cladding in an office outfit, he comes out and walked to the bed. Eve was still sleeping and looking beautiful as always. Nowadays she had been sleeping a lot lately. He also realized it's not easy to handle a pregnant woman. She had been giving him hard time and he was bearing her all mood swings patiently. Yesterday they went to the hospital and the doctor told him that Eve and the baby were perfectly healthy. The doctor asked them if they wanted to know the gender of the baby but they decline because they wanted to keep it surprise. She was five months pregnant now. He caressed her hair and kissed her forehead than at her baby bump. Her baby bump was clearly started showing and he was beyond happy with it.

"Hey baby, take care of your mommy and don't trouble her. Daddy will miss you. Bye." He said kissing her bump one more time.

He leaned to her face and kissed her lips for a second. He took his laptop bag and left the room. He went downstairs and called Amelia.

"Master..." She greeted him bowing her head.

"I'm going office. Make some healthy breakfast for her and if she makes any fuss like not want to eat or anything then make a call to me. And please be around her when she climbs stairs or goes anywhere. She has a habit of slipping and falling so you just stay with her. If anything happens then inform my mother first then me." Xavier instructed her.

"Yes, master," Amelia said nodding her head.

Xavier mutters good and went from there. He walked out of the elevator and called Dylan and Joshua.

"Mr. Knight, you called us." Dylan greeted him.

"You both will stay around Eve and help Amelia in taking care of her. If she wants to go out then you both will accompany her and send me the location." Xavier said.

"Ok, Mr. Knight. You don't worry about her." They said with a smile.

Xavier nods and sits inside the car. His mobile beeped with a message and he opens the message.

Today is their last day. Are you ready for the final move?


Xavier smirked and typed a message.

I'm always ready. Let's bring them down on the earth and show them the real world.

It has been two months and everything set back normal. That day, Eve found out that Gio was her brother she fainted at that moment but when she gains consciousness; she cried hugging him. It was a Kodak moment. Now things changed a lot. Gio often visits them whenever he got time. They also started working on finishing David's business step by step. They can finish him on a single step but they wanted to make him suffers. They don't want to end them abruptly.

The car stopped in front of a mansion and he got out of the car. A man approached him and handed him a file. He opens the file and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Let's go and get over it." Xavier mouthed and walked into the mansion followed by his guards.

He pressed the doorbell and the door gets open. He smirked looking at the person and that person smiled back at him.

"Xavier, my son-in-law. It's good to see you here." Julia said with a surprised smile.

She welcomed him in with a big smile and he walked inside like the owner.

"Darling, who is it?" David asked coming from the stairs not looking at Xavier.

He then looked at Xavier and widens his eyes while Xavier smirked at him evilly.

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