Chapter 16

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Xavier stopped the car in their parking lot and got out of the car. Eve also got out of the car and saw him standing there waiting for her. He started walking and she followed him like a lost puppy. They enter the elevator and he punched on the floor number a little harshly making her flinched back in fear. She bites her inner cheek and played with her fingers nervously. Tears were already formed in her eyes seeing his cold behavior. As the elevator stopped he got out and she followed him. He walked into the kitchen and she followed him there. He drank water from the fridge and come back to the living room and sat on the couch crossing his hands on his chest.

"Xavier, I was about to tell you bu.."

"When Evelyn?" He shouted making her jumped back in fear.

She knew she did a big mistake because he called her Evelyn. He stood up from the couch and strode toward her and held her arm harshly.

"Don't... don't you dare you to lie me, Evelyn. You were working in a fucking café. A café. Why?" He asked angrily and tears rolled down from her eyes.

"I.. th.. I have t.. to pay m.. my fees." She said sobbing a little.

"Yeah right. Your fees. And apart from your husband who am I?" He asked raising his brows.

She didn't say anything but just cried and he groaned.

"Evelyn, I am fucking Billionaire. I owe more than half of the property of the USA. My business is wide spared in the whole world. And you are my damn wife. You are a Billionaire's wife and you are working in a café. Why? Tell me Evelyn why?" He roared throwing a vase on the wall and she cried hard.

"I don't want you to think that I married you for money." She said crying and he clutched his own hair out of frustration.

"For God's sake, Evelyn I said sorry for that. I was wrong about you and I accepted my fault. After that day did I treated a different way? Tell me, Evelyn." He asked grabbing her arms and made her look in his eyes.

She could see anger in his eyes but more than the anger he was in pain and she was the reason behind his pain.

"Evelyn, do you trust me?" He asked with hurt and she was taken back by his question.

"Xavier, I trust you." She replied touching his cheek but he jerked her hand and moved away from her.

"No, you don't trust me. Because if you trust then you wouldn't compare me with your father. You think that I won't pay your fees like your father." He said painfully and collapsed on the couch and she rushed to him and sat on her knees.

"Xavier, don't compare to you with him. You are nothing like him. I am sorry for not telling you about it. I am sorry. Please." She said holding his hand and cried but he pulled back his hand.

"I can't forgive you, Evelyn. You hurt me. You doubted my trust and love. I told you that you are my life still you didn't trust me. I need some time." He said getting up from the couch and left the house leaving her in a pool of tears.

She knew this day would come but never thought that it was going to be this much painful. She dragged herself to their room and throws on the bed crying hard.

At late night Xavier returns home and found her sleeping on the couch. She must be waiting for him. He sat on his knees and traced his fingers on her cheek where her tears dried. He knew he was harsh on her but she had to understand that he isn't joking around her. She was his life and he loves her more than anything. He took her in his arms and walked into their room. He covered her with a quilt and kissed her forehead then walked into the closet. He packed his clothes and left from there.

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