Chapter 47

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"Yeah, the other guy here hates me, because of the rejection last week" I explain to Axel. He had his phone propped up and was laying on his bed hugging his pillow. "I bet you told him that you have the hottest boyfriend in the world" he jokes and I roll my eyes.

"I just told him I had a boyfriend actually, and that I was happy- nothing else" I assure him and he pouts before immediately perking up again. "I get it, you just wanted to let him down nicely, if you start you might never stop talking about me" he nods and I walk around the small apartment just getting used to it.

"Whatever makes you feel better" I chuckle. He smiles brightly at me and I can't help but smile. "God you're so cute" I groan letting my head fall back. "Well come back and you can see my cuteness in person" he closes his eyes trying to give me an innocent look.

I open my mouth to say something but whip my head back at the sound of knocking on my door. "Sorry, someone is knocking," I tell him and go towards the door.

I open it a bit before opening it wide when I see the girls. "Hello" I greet them and the three giggle. "Can we have a sleepover together!" Margaret asks and I hold up my phone enough that Axel can still see me.

"Uh... sure" I give in with a sigh and the girls hurry into my room cheering. "What did I just get myself into" I grumble and he starts to laugh making the three girls freeze. "Is that the boyfriend!" Ariel shouts and I look to the phone with an apologetic smile.

"Well meet Axel, my boyfriend" I huff and the girls line up behind me. "This is Ariel, Margaret, and then Willa" I point to each of them as they wave. He squeezes the pillow before sending them a small wave.

"Hot tamales! He's hot!" Ariel shouts and I chuckle. "No, I seriously thought you were exaggerating when you described him..." Willa whispers and I cringe.

"Ha! I knew you talked about me!" Axel shouts and I puff out my lip. "Shut up" I grumble and he blows me a kiss. "Awwwww" the girls all gush and I glare at them.

"Just go make a fort in the living room or something" I wave them off and they all laugh before going into the living room. "They are so tearing up my living room" I sigh and he shakes his head.

"Well I'm going to let you go, I love you so much, come home soon" he hums and I smile at him. "I love you too, only two more weeks" I hold up a two and he nods. "I just want to hold you again" he mumbles and I nod.

"Get some sleep" I whisper and he hums to himself letting his head fall into the pillow. "Goodnight Oliver" he chuckles and I look over to the girls who had gotten out a game of some kind. "Goodnight Axel" after that I hang up and make my way over to the girls.

"Okay I've got some two liters in the fridge, if you want to get into that- I'll go get some ice from the ground floor" I point back. Ariel claps super energetic and the others not.

"Uno? Or monopoly?" Willa asked looking at me. "Uno" I answer immediately grabbing the empty bucket off the counter. Margaret stands and gets into the cupboards grabbing cups.

"Be right back!" I call closing the door behind me. I enjoy their company, they weren't my Lily but they were nice girls. I took the stairs down to the first floor and started for the ice machine. I still have not gotten used to this place. I felt like I was staying in some fancy hotel.

Turning the corner into the room I stop almost bumping into Flint himself. "Hey" I greet him, putting the bucket under the dispenser. "Hey..." he peeks out of the room and I go to focusing on the ice.

"He must work his students hard because nobody is up and in the halls" he laughs and I look at him suspiciously. "Are you trying to hint at something?" I ask.

"Yeah I am" he smiles reaching over. I slap his hand away before going to grab the bucket to leave. "I'm taken and not interested" I remind him.

He grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me back before I get there. We stare eye to eye and I narrow my eyes to glare at him. "Keep your hands off of me- I don't like you touching me" I spit out and he scoffs pushing me against the wall.

"We all know who the stronger one is" he taunts and grabs the back of my head before straightening up. "Yeah, well we also know who the smarter one is" I shoot back. I wasn't just going to take his shit.

Taking a deep breath, to calm myself, I continue "Flint, just leave me alone. Okay? I don't want to start stuff between us" I explain shaking my head and going to grab my ice bucket. "Damn it, I will not be made a fool of by you" he whisper-shouts pushing me back into the wall.

"Nobody is here, and I'm not going to tell anybody- so you don't need to be embarrassed" I huff trying to push him off of me. He grabs my shoulders and slams me against the wall again. I let out a cry of pain trying to wiggle an arm free.

"Stop struggling, just let it happen and you can go to sleep" he hisses as my eyes widen. "Son of a bitch" I shout lifting my leg to kick him in the dick.

He closes his legs and hunched over in pain, but keeps his arms on my shoulders. I was able to actually shrug him off of me and I didn't take a second longer to sock him in the face. He grunts to himself before grabbing his eye.

I instantly regretted it, knowing it would leave a mark and I would get in so much trouble. No one is going to believe me. With my heart racing, I grab the stupid ice bucket and hurry to the elevator rapidly pressing the button to the fifth floor.

The door closes and I rest my head against the cool wall of the elevator. "What the fuck is wrong with this world!" I shout frustrated. With a ding, the door opens revealing some innocent student, who hadn't heard a thing I said.

I walk by him as if nothing had just happened to me before. I was going to act like everything was normal. I would tell the girls, but I don't know them well enough, Axel would probably fly over here himself if I told him. Lily would fucking teleport.

Opening the door to my room, I kick it close, setting the ice bucket on the counter. "What took you so long!?" Willa asked running over. She takes the drinks back out of the fridge and Ariel and Margaret join us. Ariel grabbing the cups.

"Ran into some complications" I keep it short and sweet and they seem fine with the answer. "Dr. Pepper or sprite?" Margaret asks us all. She gets to me and I think about it. "Sprite" I answer. I've been tricking my brain. It looks more like water, so it's easier for me to drink.

I would consider it a big-brain moment for me. Willa hands me my cup and I follow her to my living room sitting against the couch. The cushions were now on the ground in a circle. A game of Uno set up in the middle.

The other two join us and I grab my hand as they get comfortable. "Okay, you guys definitely cheated!" I whine looking at my shitty hand. "What? Us?! Cheating... never" Margaret flat out gives it away.

"Redo" I hand them my cards before crossing my arms. Willa rolls her eyes but laughs as she gives me seven more cards. "Uh, you guys too" I look them up and down. "What! Why?" Ariel asks clutching her cards to her chest.

"Because you could have cheated your hand too!" I point out, extremely suspicious. "We would never" Margaret repeats. "Prove it, show me your hand" I look to Ariel knowing she's the most gullible.

"Fine!" She shouts showing me her hand. "Really- wilds, skips, draw twos, and a draw four... not suspicious at all" I roll my eyes as they all burst out into laughter. "If only you wouldn't have found out until we were playing, that would have been hilarious" Willa was already laughing picturing me angry.

"Yeah, yeah... redo your cards" I watched them making sure they did it. Taking a drink of my water- sprite. Okay maybe I'm not smart, I'm just stupid. I actually forgot. I have brain damage.

"Your turn Oliver"

"Right- sorry!"

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