Chapter 42

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"Get your ass over here now!" I shout into the phone and immediately stop. "Never mind Im coming to get you!" I continue to shout into my phone. "Wait I might as well just stay over there!" I add, calming myself because I was yelling too much.

"Oliver calm down, I'm fine" he coughs into the phone and I swear if he could see me I would be glaring into his soul right now. "Axel don't you dare tell me to calm down. It is seven at night I've been at work and school the whole day and I'm just now learning about you being sick. I didn't even find out from you! No, I found out because the few girls in your class were gossiping about it!" I grumble now pissed off.

"Sorry?" He squeaks out, but it was more of a question. "I'm on my way" I huff and he quickly starts talking before I can hang up. "Oliver at least have Lily take you, I don't want you getting pulled over and in trouble" he pauses to sneeze and I just bite my cheek.

"Sure" I hung up after that, before going to Lily's room. "Axel got a fever from helping with Evelyn, I need you to take me over there... please and thank you" she was just wiping her makeup off and was staring back at me with surprised eyes.

"Sure thing... you seem pissed" she states the obvious and I stomp out of the room going to mine. "Evelyn?" I call and she comes running over rubbing her runny nose. "Were you playing?" I ask and she nods as I pick her up.

"Want to go on a car ride?" I ask and she claps happily. "Yay!" She squeals and I start for the door throwing on some slides. "Lily- I'm in the car" I shout getting a quick "yes sir" buckling my sister into her seat. I jump into the passenger side pulling the mirror down.

My hair seemed fine, and I looked okay- I think. As soon as I got home I got into some longer high waisted sweats and a t-shirt, so I didn't bother packing. Sighing I crossed my arms after buckling.

"Who does he think he is, I'm going to beat the absolute crap out of him- I'm seriously going to just urghhhhh" I made the girl behind me burst into giggles as a bare face Lily runs out of the house.

Turning around I give my sister my phone and she starts to watch her little cartoon. "Dank oo" she whispers and I nod leaning against the seat. "You're welcome" I answer while Lily pulls out of the parking lot.

"Do I want to ask?" She questions and I shrug. "He wants to tell me. 'I have too much stress already' or that's what he kept saying. Oooo I'm going to strangle him when I get there" I grumble choking the air.

"I will not make any comments about choking right now since I want to keep my life" Lily breathes out and I send her a glare. "You basically just did," I tell her and she bites her lip. "Sorry" she squeaks out and I nod.

"So are you spending the night?" She asked and I nod again. "More than likely- the sun's going to set soon and when the sun sleeps, the little baby back there sleeps too" I chuckle looking back to her.

"She needs to take her medicine today for her head- no fever medicine it's too much for her, she's too young... maybe I should stay back. I need to help him for an hour at least" I start to mumble to myself.

"Oliver" Lily places a hand on my knee and I look over to her. "Babes, I've got this... you write everything on the calendar and if I for some reason can't read I'll just call you" she chuckles and I nod looking back to my sister.

"Okay," I huff. The rest of the ride was pretty much me just going over everything with Lily for the fourth time. When she pulled in, I stood from the door and went to the back seat.

"O?" Evelyn looks up to me and I smile giving her tons of kisses. "I'm going to take care of Axel tonight, he's sick- you remember how you felt a bit ago. Now he has it too" I explain and she nods bringing her hands to her mouth. "Oh no" she cries and I nod giving her another kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I whisper and she leans over to hug my arm as I slip my phone back into my pocket. "Goodnight Evelyn, I love you" I remind her and she squeezes me tightly. "I wove oo!" She cheers and I wave to Lily getting blown a kiss in return.

Opening the door I walk into his apartment to find him on the couch with a box of tissues. He had some sweats on, but no shirt and I clicked my tongue, shutting the door behind me. "Hi" he chuckles and I send him the glare I had been saving from earlier.

"I'm mad at you right now" I inform him and he pouts as I walk over. "Have you eaten anything? All-day?" I ask and he shakes his head no. Sitting next to him I feel his cheek, giving away the obvious- he is burning up.

"I'm sorry" I whisper leaning in to kiss him. He pulls back covering his mouth. "I'm going to get you sick" he whines and I slap his hand out of the way. "Don't you dare make me more pissed at you" I warn, giving him a peck.

Going into his kitchen I search his cupboard of food until I find a can of soup. It was vegetable beef and I assumed he would be fine with it. He laughed at something on the TV, which turned into a hoarse cough afterward.

Once the soup was warmed up in the microwave, I got him a glass of water putting some ice into it. I filled his ice tray back up before putting the water back into the freezer with it.

Filling up a plastic container with cold water, as he had done for my sister. I carefully bring it to the table in front of his couch. The microwave goes off and I bring that over next with a spoon. "There you go" I kiss his head handing him the spoon.

He smiles up at me before starting at his food. I walk through the apartment and into his bathroom grabbing a washrag. I swear to god if Lily gets sick next.

Coming back I grab his water from the freezer hoping it would be colder for him. I sat next to him and kissed his shoulder as he slowly ate his soup taking a break to blow his nose.

Moving my phone to the small table, I force him to drink some water. As soon as he was done with his soup, I dipped the rag into the water squeezing the extra out of it.

"You know where this is going, head on my lap," I tell him and he reluctantly does it. I lay the rag I have on his forehead and he shivers at first. "You should let me lay on you... I want cuddles" he whispers. I roll my eyes but let him get up anyways the rag now completely over his head.

Laying down, I open my arms for him and he lays on my stomach still looking at TV. I lay the rag on the back of his neck and start to mess with his hair. He let an arm hang off the couch the other on my chest.

"Please tell me next time" I whisper rubbing his shoulder with my free hand.  "Mhmm" he hums his answer and I look to the TV. "Did you take any medicine?" I ask and he nods into my stomach. "Just a pill for reducing the fever" he mumbles.

"That's good" I reply feeling him grow drowsy in my arms. "I love you" he sings sending me a cheesy smile. I force his head back down with a chuckle. "I love you too" I answer while he nuzzles into me more, moving a hand to my side.

I felt myself getting tired as well, but continue to massage his scalp and shoulder occasionally checking and making sure the rag was still cold. Axel was out cold in a few minutes holding me tightly.

He was so adorable, I swear sometimes it felt like he was a toddler as well. He just had the cheesiest smile that made everything seemed alright. I loved it so much. Running my hand over his back I tried to remember what tattoos were where without actually seeing them.

Eventually, I grew exhausted and let my eyes close. I smiled as he mumbled random words into my stomach. "No more... missing- loves me too. night Oliver"

"Go to bed dork"

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