Chapter 33

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"I can't believe you agreed to this" I groan walking next to Axel. He had Evie on his shoulders and I had a picnic basket in my hands. Lily got it from the school as a prop and as long as she returned it she would be fine. Or that's what she told me.

Lily had everything planned out. She immediately decided that we had to do the photoshoot at the Weeping Willow tree because it's where I told him I loved him.

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be fun" he laughs and I shake my head, this was going to be embarrassing. "Plus I needed an excuse to have more pictures with you" he chuckles leaning over to kiss my head.

The toddler giggles playing with his hair and he starts to bounce her around getting more squeals and giggles.  "We're here!" Lily shouts running back to take the basket from me.

She runs under the Weeping Willow and opens the basket pulling out the stereotypical red and white checkered blanket. I watch her get to work, setting the basket in the middle pulling out some strawberries and a plate of sandwiches wrapped to it.

Taking the wrap off she sets it over to the side grabbing some tall glasses out after, just two. She fills them with water from the bottle inside and then reorganizes the sandwiches so they made a pyramid.

"Axel sit here!" She shouts pointing to one side. He sets Evelyn down and she goes to follow. "Evie, come to me" I coo and she runs over. "Oliver on the other side" Lily points and I nod walking to it. I'm used to this, but it's going to be awkward with him here.

Evie follows as I sit down. "Stay with Lily," I tell her and she nods holding Lily's leg. I had some light blue, high-waisted jeans on. The cuffs rolled up to show my white thrift store shoes. A white tank top and a pale blue button-up opened and revealing the tank top.

Axel was in black jeans with the knees ripped, a pale blue sweater on, that was big for even him. It looked good on him though. He had black combat boots and his usual black studs and other earrings that I found so fucking attractive.

His tattoos were covered besides the ones on his hands and I couldn't stop myself from staring at the little designs. "Okay, Oliver bring a knee to your chest and lay the other one out, face Axel" I do as she says and she looks through the camera with a nod.

"Axel sits back on your hands, legs out" he nods and does that. "Okay now have a conversation" she laughs bringing the camera up. "How's life?" I ask and he immediately starts to laugh. "Well I'm about to die of a heat stroke" he admits making me laugh. "But we match so it's worth it" I remind him and he nods. "Definitely worth it" he continues.

"Okay, Oliver get on your knees in front of the picnic basket and look into it as if you're searching for something. "Got it" I scoot closer and look into the basket, telling myself to look for napkins.

"Axel look at him like you're deeply in love- which should be easy because you're already doing it" she laughs and I look up at him making him quickly look away and wipe his eye. "Okay" he answers simply and I go back to searching. A few clicks later and she sets the camera down and looks over to the toddler now picking flowers. Taking a few pictures of that as well.

"Oliver grab a strawberry" I lean over and grab one, waiting for further instructions. "Okay get in front of Axel and feed it to him" she snickers evilly and I roll my eyes, but shuffle myself over to him.

He seems timid for a minute and I raised the strawberry to his mouth and he opens it slightly, taking a small bite. "Axel sit up more and put your hand on his back" Lily orders us.

He does that and I smile feeding him more of the strawberry. He looks up to me with happy eyes and I laugh as the strawberry becomes nothing but the stem and drops from my hands.

I pick it up and throw it onto the grass. "Olive grab another strawberry" she snickers looking through the pictures. I stand and wait for more instructions. "Straddle his lap" she smirks and I freeze turning to send her a glare.

"I hate you," I say simply before walking over to him. I straddle his lap and his arms wrap around my back. "Okay take the stem off the strawberry and put an end in each of your mouths" I pull the stem off and do as she says waiting for Axel to go for the other end.

He leans forward and takes it as we both slowly start to nibble on it. I tried so hard not to laugh. Eventually, there was nothing left and our lips were pressed against each other. I gave in, and just kissed him.

One hand going to his chest and the other going to his hair. One of his started to go up my shirt and the other on the back of my neck. I heard the camera clicking and pulled back. "I'm not making a porno if that's what you want" I warn her and she shrugs. "Worth a shot" she jokes and I shake my head turning to wipe off his lips.

"Axel pull him as close as you can to you and Oliver put your hands on his shoulders, let your head fall back like your laughing" she instructs us. He presses me up against him and I lay my head back slightly. "Somebody make me laugh" I call and Axel lightly tickles my sides.

"Our safe word is scrumptious!" Lily shouts before lifting her camera again. "My god not that again" I burst out into laughter. I could hear the camera clicking as Axel's hands rubbed up and down my sides.

When I had finally calmed down I rested my head on his neck out of breath. "Okay, I need you both to separate sadly, one on each side of the basket. I stand from his lap and sit criss-cross on the side I was before.

He sat on the other side in a relaxed and cafe-free pose. Lily let her camera hang around her neck before running to scoop Evelyn up. She runs and sets the girl in the basket, who giggles putting her arms up excited.

"Okay look at her, laughing, or just smiling proudly- whatever ya want" Lily shouts wanting to hurry before Evie got bored. We did as we were told and the camera clicked a few times before she was done.

"Okay we can get the kid out of the basket" she laughs walking over. I take Evie out and she waddles over to the food. "Can have peas?" She asked and I nodded. "Yup go ahead" I reassure her before crawling over to Axel.

"See not fun" I chuckle and he shakes his head. "Don't know what you're talking about- I had tons of fun" he hums kissing me. "I'll have them posted by tomorrow!" Lily cheers plopping down next to us, reaching over and grabbing a sandwich. She takes a big bite out of it as Evelyn plops into my lap.

"Are you hungry?" Axel asked wrapping his arm around me, setting his hand on my waist. "No" I answer honestly. He nods kissing my temple. "Okay," he whispers, grabbing himself a sandwich.

"Can I have half of yours?" I ask hoping it will make him happy. He immediately breaks it in half and hands it to me. They were tiny square sandwiches so it wasn't much.

I eat slowly, trying to make sure nobody was watching me. When I was done Axel was already handing me another half of another one of his. I took it unsure but began eating it as well. When I was done Lily had moved onto the strawberries.

"Olive you want one?" She asked and I sighed. "Sure" she seemed surprised and went back to grab another one. Handing one to Evelyn and me. I ate the strawberry throwing the stem onto the grass.

"Okay, I can't eat anymore" I huff holding my stomach. "That's fine, I wasn't going to force you into anything" he whispers and Lily smiles laying on her stomach. "Yeah you can eat when you want, we're not going to pressure you- just trying to help" she gives me a thumbs up.

I hold the child in my lap to my stomach and kiss her head gently. "Are you still hungry?" I ask and she nods. "Dwink peas?" She asks and I lean forward grabbing her a glass of water.

She sips it carefully before giving it back to me.

"So about this porno?"

"Lily I swear to fucking god!"

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