Chapter 5

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"Lily! Oliver!" Our friend shouts jogging over. His t-shirt hugging tightly to his skin. Showing how muscular he really was. It was so hard not to drool looking at him.

"Where ya going?" He asks looking between us. We had just gotten to campus a few minutes earlier. "Cruiser Cafe" Lily answers putting an arm around my shoulder. I nod in agreement as he steps closer.

"May I join you?" Once again he's surprising me. "I don't mind" I was pretty calm still not comfortable enough to be my weird self around him, unlike Lily. "Hell yeah, you're paying!" She shouts grabbing both of our arms to make us speed up.

"She's just kidding" I assure him and he chuckles shaking his head. "I wouldn't mind, I'll pay" he continues to laugh making Lily stop. "Woah... marry me" her eyes wide and watery.

"Lily I swear to god if you cry over food I'm going kick you" I scowl and she quickly wipes her tears. "Let's go my two husbands... I'll get you a ring pop later" she pats her tears dry.

The door opened with a ring of the bell and the small cafe went silent for a minute before going back to what they were doing. We made our way to the counter and the cashier comes back to his station. "Let me guess caramel frappe?" He smirks getting an aggressive nod from Lily.

With a smile, he looks at the rest of us. "Anything else?" He holds up his notebook ready for our orders. I shake my head no, and Axel orders a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Before the cashier finishes he turns back to Lily who was too busy picking at her nails to realize. "Lily?" He sounds unsure about her name but smiles proudly when she looks up.

He then looks back at me and I look away shyly. "Apple?" He asks and I groan. "Oh! Right, yes please!" She shouts quickly covering her mouth to be quiet. He chuckles but totals up everything.

Axel quickly pulls out his wallet to pay while Lily and I take the apple and biscuit to the table. Axel joins us soon after. Lily purposely kicking her feet up on the booth seat so he sits next to me.

I glare at her but she looks away pretending not to see me. Axel takes his sandwich and Lily rolls the apple over to me. I held it in my hand just staring at it. I can't eat in front of Axel... I can't. I give Lily a look but she was too busy ignoring my glares to notice.

Setting the apple down I stare at the table awkwardly. "Here you go" the cashier cheers handing Lily her drink. Her eyes light up as she takes it drinking away.

"Are you going to eat?" Axel asks looking down at me. I freeze before looking at him. He had a concerned look. "Oh in a little bit, I'm not very hungry" I lie. He gives me a curious look before turning to Lily. I did as well and she held up three fingers.

She sends me a hard gaze but I just stare right back, both of us refusing to blink. "Guys?" Axel tries to get out attention. We ignore him both of us not wanting to lose. "Oo look at that hot guy outside" Lily gasps not batting an eye. I snap my head to look out the window instinctively. Cursing at myself afterward- she wasn't even looking out the damn window!

"Damn it... curse my gay self" I continue my pouting. "So you're gay?" Axel's voice cuts through my whines and I sit up giving him a weird look. "Isn't it obvious" I cock my head to the side, and he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not one to judge, ya never know" he looks out the window.

"Axel you and I are going to be great friends" Lily cheers taking another drink of her coffee. "Good" he hums while I go back to slouching. "Stupid... friend... tricked me... bitch" I mumble words to myself making Lily roll her eyes.

"If you don't eat it, I will force it down your throat... which one seems more embarrassing?" She asks eyeing me. "I sigh and turn towards the window so nobody can see me before taking a bite.

I use my hand to cover my mouth while I chew. Without thinking I lay back onto Axel just like I usually did with Lily. Resting my back onto his side. The two talked as I quietly finished my apple.

Hesitantly I hand it over to Lily who stares at me with admiration. "I feel like a proud Mama... I want to hang it on my fridge" she gushes over the apple core, while I wipe my hands onto my pants. "no" I say bluntly but she continues to eye my work.

"You ate so much!!!" She continues cheering and I bury my face in my hands. "Shut uppp" I drag it out just wanting her to be quiet for once. This is so embarrassing. I sit up and that's when it finally hits me.

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to just lay on you like that, it probably made you uncomfortable" I start rambling totally forgetting about Lily's overdramatic mom moment.

"Oh it's fine, just shows you're getting comfortable with me, I really didn't mind" he smiles as I stare at the table. Good, he doesn't think I'm disgusting. "Can we Uh- talk about what just happened with the apple though... if thats alright?" He questions us. I squeeze my knees not wanting to answer once again.

"Not yet... I'd like to keep this to myself a bit longer" I finally get the courage to speak up. Lily gives me an apologetic look not realizing I wanted to keep it a secret from him. "That's fine, you can tell me whenever" he clicks his tongue and I nod my thanks before looking over to him.

It was kind of awkward for a minute and I sigh before laying back onto Axel. He doesn't react at all, and for some reason it makes me feel better. "So um next week, we are planning on getting Olives stuff if you're free?" Lily sets her coffee down trying to stay serious.

"What day?" He looks between the two of us. "Mmm Wednesday" she taps her fingers on the table to the beat of a Nirvana song she has had stuck in her head for too long. "Oh yeah, I can do that easy" he relaxes sitting back against the booth.

I moved with him laying my head back on his shoulder to look up at him. Damn it he's so hot. "Why Wednesday?" He continues shifting to move his gaze down to me. I lift my head but continuing laying on him. Enjoying the human contact.

"Family goes to Wednesday service" I was blunt with it as his eyebrows furrowed. "Well, why don't you go with them..." His voice trails off and I assume he understood what he was saying. "Small town... homophobes right?" He rolls his eyes and the both of us nod. "Sadly, can't handle the gay" Lily sings  "and those that are okay with it; pretend not to be so they don't get hated on" I quickly add getting nods from the both of them.

"Well at least your parents support you" he sighs shaking his head at the world. "Right" there was no confidence in my voice. I just lied straight up lied, I don't even know why. I guess I just don't want everybody to sympathize with me about everything. "I'll go home tonight and finish packings things up" I laugh. Yeah, I haven't even started boxing things up.

I don't have much just clothes really, there's no point in decorating my room if it's not going to be the way I want it and the way I want it would scream gay. "Olive, no you should spend one more night" Lily speaks up not wanting me to go back to them.

I haven't been home in a while, who knows how mad they'll be. "Lils I'm about to move in with you, plus I want to see Evie" I chuckle. I hadn't seen her in a bit anyways. "It will just be one night" I reassure Lily who gave me an almost scared expression.

"We should probably start heading to class" Axel checks his phone with a groan. "Shit you're right" I copy his actions sitting up from my comfy position. I turn to get out as Axel slides out of the booth followed by me. I make direct eye contact with him staying there for a second before finally breaking away.

This new friendship thing is so awkward... I'm such an awkward person in general. Lily takes my hand and grabs Axel's sleeve "let's go children" she calls letting go of Axel to open the door. "Mother will take you to class" she coos tapping each of our heads.

"I'm pretty sure I'm older than you" Our friend admits getting a stern glare from Lily.

"Shh- don't talk back to mother"

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