Chapter 19

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The swelling had gone down in my eye and I stopped covering it. I basically looked tired on one side and there was nothing wrong with that I guess. The group of boys are still looking for me, but they've been pretty easy to dodge, since they're so loud.

Axel acts as if nothing had happened and it kills me. This keeps happening... I've fallen so hard for him. Why do I do this? As if the group could read my mind, I'm shoved against the wall.

"Found you" I've learned his name is Jared. "Nice now let me go" I cheer trying to get out of his grip. "Not so fast, you've been hiding from us" he chuckles and I roll my eyes. "I wonder why" I hiss and he grabs my shoulders before slamming me against the wall.

I let out a shout of pain and fall to my knees grabbing my head. His buddies laugh and I looked up to find him facing the other way. Without much thought, I stood and kicked him where it hurt most before dodging and running past the groping arms.

There was a shouting and lots of cussing as the group of boys followed me outside. I need to hide. I continue to run but they were always right behind me. I was growing tired and half of them were smiling like maniacs. They could tell I was going to give up.

I started to go towards the other buildings and cheered internally as a class was dismissed hopefully I could hide between them. I joined the students leaving and followed their group. Letting out a yelp as someone grabbed my sleeve.

"Oliver?" Axel asks and I turn and nod. "They're after me- I need to go" I look past the groups of students about to disperse and find the jocks on their toes searching through us all.

His brow furrows and he narrows his eyes. "Where are they" he starts to look around and I pull him back towards me. "Not important- I'm going," I tell him, and before he can say anything I start to sprint.

"Found him!" I desperately try to be faster as I hear the words but it doesn't work and I'm tackled to the ground. I scramble to my feet and sure enough, four of the five of them are here. Out of breath but here.

"You absolute cock slut- why do you even try!" Jared starts coming towards me obviously pissed that I hurt his dignity. "Is cock slut the only insult you know? Why do you have to bother me?" I snap back and he raises his fist. I panic and swing first, it wasn't the best punch but hey it got to him before he got me.

He grabbed his cheek and looked at me in bewilderment. I stepped back ready to run again but soon realized I was surrounded. So the next best thing was I just ran to the smallest one and socked him in the face. Get him down and then it's only three against one.

I was attempting to be optimistic as the guy grabbed at me taking me to the ground. I was getting punched in the ribs more than the actual face and that shit hurt, but I kept fighting.

He stayed down to my surprise and I stood looking at his unconscious body. "Whoa" I chuckle looking at my hands. I get kicked in the legs and buckle to the ground.

"You whore- you fucking disease-infested whore!" I didn't know which one this was but he was pissed off. His shoe went to my neck I desperately tried to pry him off of me, breathing becoming harder by the second.

"What the fuck! Get off of him" Axel's voice rings in my ears as I claw at the boy's ankles trying to get him off of me. "Ow!" He pulled away for a second only to stomp back down on me knocking the wind out of me.

Axel shoves through the other two walking straight up to us. In less than a second, the other guy is on the ground and he's looking around at the others. "I am your upperclassman, so I suggest you stay on my good side or I will be talking to my buddies on the football team- it would suck if you lost your spots wouldn't it" he yells glaring at them all.

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