Chapter 41

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"I'm here- I'm sorry they kept us after because Nathan fell asleep in class!" I shout pushing the door open. "Lily isn't here yet, but she's going to go shopping for some cough medicine after her class" Axel meets me at the door and I close it behind me.

"She's in and out of sleep right now, she's been out for about twenty minutes so she'll probably wake up any second" he sighs and I quickly cup his cheek with my hand before kissing him.

"Thank you so much for coming over to help" I whisper and he nods leaning in for another kiss. "Of course anything for you and little Evie, Lily too" he chuckles and I smile wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If you need to go I've got it from here" I assure him but he shakes his head. "I'll stay and help out" he chuckles and I nod before resting my forehead onto his. We laughed quietly as we made eye contact our eyes looking bigger than they really were.

The proximity soon led to us kissing. I smiled into the kiss as he moved his hand to my hair pulling it. He moves away and pulls my head back before kissing my neck. "Axel" I groan and he smiles kissing around my neck.

It was ruined as crying erupts from my room. He pulls away and I run through the cracked open door to find my sister sitting up a sobbing mess. "What's wrong?" I ask and she just cries more. "Do you not feel well?" I ask getting a nod.

I bring a hand to her forehead and cringe at the heat. Axel was in the doorway staring at her with worry as I kissed her head. "Okay you're getting hot, so I've got to take your clothes off," I tell her and she just cries louder.

"I could have done that but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable being alone with your sister while she's naked" he scratched his head and I look back at him nodding. "It's alright, I'm just happy you were here to help" I smile before taking my sister's shirt off, followed by her shorts.

I lift her and hold her on my chest as I go to the bathroom grabbing some of the wash rags. "Boyfriend of mine will you please get me a plastic container of cold water?" I call taking her back to our room.

"Third cabinet on the left, right?" He asks and I chuckle. "Yup" I shout. Pulling the girl's hair back before trying to wipe her tears as best as I can kissing her cheeks and head repetitively. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm going to do all I can to help" I whisper as Axel comes in with a container of water.

He sets it on the nightstand next to us and I soak the rag in it before squeezing the extra out of it. "Can I hold your hand?" Axel asked and she choked out a tiny "peas" he takes her hand going to the other side of the bed so I had more room.

"It's going to be really cold okay?" I warn her and she shakes her head silently crying. "Evelyn it's going to make you feel better," I tell her. Her crying becoming a little louder.

"Think of it as the pool water when we first get in the pool, it's freezing" I pretend to shiver and she giggles a little before wiping her eyes. I couldn't tell her not to cry, but I knew that it made the headaches worse.

"Okie" she whispers tears sliding down her cheeks still. I push her down lightly and lay the rag over her stomach and chest. She bursts into a sob not finding it comfortable. "Evelyn look at me, I know it sucks but it will make you feel better" Axel distracts her as I damp the other rag before putting it over her forehead.

"No!" She shouts going to rip it off. I lightly take her other hand kissing it. "Try to go back to sleep" I coo kissing her cheek. She gives me the saddest face and my heart breaks for her.

"Does it hurt?" I ask and she nods her lip quivering. "Well if you go to sleep, you won't feel that pain anymore, and then when you wake up, you'll feel a bit better!" I cheer to her and her eyes widen.

"Sleep" She whispers and I rub her hand lightly trying to caress her to sleep. She looks me up and down crying silently as I moved my hand to her shoulder rubbing that instead.

"I love you, baby, go to bed" I whisper before blowing on her face. Her eyes flutter and the front door open. Lily's head peeks in the room and she holds up her keys.

"I'll be back- ten minutes top" she whispers and Axel nods as I continue to massage the baby to sleep. I grab the tissue that was already on the bed and wipe her nose.

She squirms a bit but keeps her eyes closed. The front door closes again and within a few minutes, the child is sleeping. I tiptoe out of the room followed by Axel.

Not even a second later my phone goes off, I hurry to silence it and groan at the contact. Accepting the call I shake my head. "Listen, Ty, Evelyn has a horrible fever I really can't come in today" I apologize.

"No- I don't care! Sorry, that sounds rude! You don't need to come in today that was what I meant. Hope your sister gets better. Anyways your banner it's made it into the top fifty, you can check the website and everything. It made it past the first round of judging!" He shouts and I freeze.

It meant nothing, but at the same time, it made me so proud and so happy I couldn't contain my smile. "Really?! That's amazing!" I whisper-shout. "I just felt like telling you, I'm rooting for ya- but get back to your sister. I'll send you the link to the website. Once again hope your sister gets better" he rushes the words out and I nod.

"Thank you" I cheer and he hangs up soon after. "What's got you so happy?" Axel asks hugging me from behind. "My project made it past the first round of judging. I'm in the top fifty" I tell him and he squeezes me tighter.

"Oliver that's amazing!" He whisper-shouts peppering my face and head with kisses. "I get it- you're more excited than me" I laugh quietly trying to push his head away from me.

"You worked so hard on it- I watched you have a damn conversation with the banner" he starts loud but quickly quiets himself. "Listen that was a rough day- I stubbed my toe and it was just the last straw. I didn't think you were coming over and I had to rant to someone... something" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say crazy" he chuckles and I stick my tongue out at him. "You're just proving my point" he sings watching the level of his voice. "How long do you think she's going to have a fever?" I ask and he looks to the door with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm really hoping only a few days, the poor girl doesn't deserve any of this" he sighs and I nod kissing his cheek, just because I felt like it. "I should probably dampen the cloths again- it will help cool her down faster" I whisper rocking back and forth.

"I feel bad, we should be celebrating right now, Lily is going to be so excited when she hears the news about your art making it through" he ruffled my hair which badly needed to be dyed again.

"We can celebrate later, my mind is focused on my sister right now and only her" I poke his shoulder and he gives me a pout. Laughing I quickly put a hand over my mouth to make myself shut up before kissing him.

"I'm thinking about you a teeny tiny bit" I reassure him and his smile comes back. "I'll stay out here, it's quieter" he whispers and I nod before tiptoeing into my room again.

Evelyn was still fast asleep. I dampened the cloth on her head again, squeezing it to make the extra water drip back into the bucket. Slowly, I put it back onto her head. She shifts a bit but stays asleep.

I do the same with her stomach kissing her cheek again. When I was done I wipe my now wet hands on my pants and tiptoe back out of there. The front door opens just as I make it to Axel.

We simultaneously turn to put a finger to our lips. Lily shuts her big mouth and puts a finger over her lips copying us.

"Oliver made it past the first round with his art and is in the top fifty!" Axel whisper-shouts making Lily's face brighten as she tries to hold in her screams and squeals.

"Really!? We have to celebrate later!"


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