Chapter 29

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"So Lily you excited for next week?" Axel asks as Lily comes out of the house. We had just got done with class and let me tell you, I was happy. I had so many fucking classes today.

"Hell yeah! You excited for next week?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "Uh yes? I'm just staying here... nothing special" he chuckles as I die inside.

"O!" Evelyn yells for me scared to go down the steps, a sudden fear of heights. "I'm coming" I shout hurrying to her side. She reaches up for me but I give her my hands and help her step down herself.

Once she's down she waddles her way over to hug Axel. "Hi!" She cheers and he hesitates to touch her head, ultimately moving it to her back. "Hi, Evelyn" he answers her. "Anyways Lily, you and this girl. We were talking about it and then you fell asleep. I need more details" he laughs picking my sister up.

The girl hugs him as he walks over wrapping his other arm around me. I smile at Lily proud of her for taking the chance. "Oh- yeah she's fucking great in bed" she laughs and I groan sending her a glare. "Baby. language." I remind her. We were both trying to stop cussing so much in front of her.

"Oops sorry" she whispers covering her mouth. "Listen, great for you- I was talking about the whole should I ask her on a date or just let it be a one-time thing problem you were having" he jokes and she goes bright red.

"I'm taking her out before I leave next week..." she sighs and I clap, jumping a bit, I was so happy for her. Her last relationship was a mess. Toxic and awful. The person constantly left her just to come back when she was depressed aka wanted to get fucked. I hate her. Ruined things for my best friend.

"Well I'm glad you made the right choice then- only took me an hour to convince you" he mumbles the last part as the child in his arms squirms. He lets her down and she grabs her head before waddling to me.

"Are you okay?" I ask squatting down. "She hasn't finished her medicine and it was going to wear off soon" Lily groans running back into the house. She jumps from the porch and hands me the half-finished sippy cup now panting.

"Okay ninja warrior" I make fun of her little jump from the porch before handing my sister her cup. "Drink it all up and then you'll feel better" I tell her, kissing her cheek.

"Dwinky!" She shouts taking a big drink of her orange juice. I smile before going back to Axel. "Oh so you want to like me now" he laughs and I nod hugging him. More like love but yeah like, sure.

I wanted to tell him before we had our awkward week with each other. "Are you busy today?" I ask running my hand up to his arm. He looks at my hand before back to me. "I'm me, I'm never busy" he chuckles giving me a quick peck.

I turn away, making Evelyn take another drink real quick before taking Lily aside. "I'm going to try and tell him- where though. Should we just take a walk" I whisper and her eyes widen before narrowing, a smirk present on her face.

"There's nowhere romantic here so I'd just take him on a walk. Oh, wait! The old willow tree- so yeah walk" she giggles clapping eagerly now. I nod but then groan that's three blocks, not much at all but I'm lazy. "Make sure Evie drinks it all" I plead and she nods.

I once again hug my sister and she grabs at my hair with a free hand. I sadly have to pull away and go back to Axel who was looking between us all. "What was that about?" He asks wrapping his arms around my lower back.

"Can we take a walk?" I ask trying not to give it away. "Uh sure" he answers immediately and I nod starting to walk. Axel catches up to me our hands brushing together.

"Can we take a walk... Am I in trouble?" He repeats what I said with a nervous chuckle and I give him a confused look. "Uh... no" I laugh and our hands brush together once again. I look around before taking his hand in mine.

He brought our hands to his mouth kissing the back of mine. I smile at the affection as we continue to walk straight. Every lot was full yet another block down there is an open lot, where a huge Weeping Willow tree had grown.

Over the years , they gave up trying to chop it down because too many locals thought if it was a town treasure and they turned the lot into a public place. Which after the first year was forgotten. I had taken Evie and Lily here for many picnics.

It was a beautiful and peaceful spot. As it got closer I suddenly realized why I wanted to bring him here and quickly panicked. He squeezed my hands and continued to look at the ground until stopping in front of the tree.

I pulled him with me underneath the cover of the foliage. "Oliver" he whispers and I look up to him shyly. "Yeah?" I ask and his face becomes worried. "The whole can we take a walk, taking me away... in my experience of dating this doesn't end well," he chuckles sadly.

My mouth opens before closing again. "That's not making me feel better" he groans pulling me into a hug. His hand goes to the back of my head, gripping my hair.

"I could never break up with you" I reassure him and I could physically feel his body relax. "Well is there a reason we're here?" He asked looking around at the scenic view.

I nod moving my hands to his cheeks forcing mostly myself to look at him. "You know you can tell me anything" he reminds me and I nod before letting my head drop. I place my forehead on his shoulder embarrassed.

I can't do it. I can't- I just can't. What if he doesn't feel the same way. "Oliver I swear it will be okay, whatever you have to tell me" he lifts my head back up giving me another small sweet kiss.

I bite my lip nervously afterward putting my arms over his shoulders. This shouldn't be such a big deal. I just- I've never told a boy I've loved them before. Hell, I've never had a relationship last more than two months.

Just guys I've met partying and we tried to keep things going after a fun time, but it always ended with me being heartbroken and used. "Hey, if you don't want to tell me anything fine. Do you just want to stand here?" He tries to comfort me rocking us back and forth.

"Axel... you know you've brought me so much happiness" I trail off and he kisses my head listening to my words. "And I know I'm overreacting it's just new for me" I warn him.

I pull away a bit forcing eye contact. "You've been here through a lot with me and I genuinely... ugh" I stop myself again not able to do it. "Is something going on, is somebody doing something to you?!" His face was once again full of worry.

"Nobody is doing anything Axel" I reassure him putting my hand back to his cheek. He nods nuzzling into my hand. I wait for him to open his eyes and look at me again.

"You make Evelyn happy, you make Lily happy, once again you make me so happy" I laugh awkwardly and he nods smiling wide but his face is confused at the mention of them.

"Axel... I love you- I love you a lot" I finally admit my eyes breaking from his the second time. His arms on my back tighten and I'm pulled closer. "God I don't think you know how long I've wanted to hear those words come from that beautiful mouth of yours" he groans and I look back up to him surprised.

The smile starts to grow on my face as his eyes search mine. "I love you too, I love you so much" he chuckles before our lips are meeting for a passionate kiss.

His hand was traveling up my shirt and I was exploring his body with mine. He said it back. I can't even get those words from my own family. Breathing heavily I rest my forehead against his "I love you" I say the words again now excited and he nods the biggest smile in the world, he was so beautiful.

"I love you too" he answers immediately. I lean forward continuing our kiss. This one is just as passionate. I pulled back with the same smile before going to his neck.

"Oliver, what are you doing?" He chuckles putting his hand on the back of my head the other still in my shirt. I think there was so much adrenaline coursing through my body my insecurities were gone at the moment.

"I want to give you a hickey" I murmur kissing up and down his neck. "Mmm, I love you Oliver" he says for the third time, as I start to suck on a spot on his neck. I pull away with a pop before resting my chin on his shoulder hugging him tightly. We rocked slowly and I closed my eyes.

"I love you too"

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