The Date

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Needless to say I am a bundle of joy at the moment. I step in front of my mirror and cringe slightly as I bring the brush up to my mouth. Then I start blasting out the words to my favourite song. Sure it's low key kind of cheesy but everyone does it. When the songs end I am stumped because I said only one more song then I would get ready. At this rate I'm not going to get ready on time.

I reluctantly open my cupboard and look through for something. I have no idea what the dress code is because Dylan did not tell me. Gosh!

I skip the jeans, dresses and instead go for a pair of almost suit like black pants. Can you really go wrong with them or black in general. Then I look over at my shirts section. I could do black on black or black and white. No but white gets dirty easy. Uh! What do I wear. I grab my phone and call Maya. She answers within the first ring.

"Hey-" I stop talking as soon as I hear the small whimper come out of her mouth.

"Maya?" I whisper this time.

"I'm sorry I know you have your fat I didn't want to ruin it," she cries out barely audible.

I continue talking with caution, "Maya can I come to you house and get you?"

"No, no you have your date and I don't- please I'm fine," tears well in my ears as I hear the fear cross her voice.

"Maya I'm coming now just hold on for a bit longer, okay?"


I end the call and run down the stairs and out the door. I quickly put on my seatbelt and speed off to Maya's house. She lives fairly close to me so it's not a long time before I get there.

I run up to the front door and knock on it several times waiting for an answer. After a few long, long seconds I hear rushing footsteps approach the front door. I assume it's her mother but as the door opens and slams within a matter of milliseconds I realise it's not.

"Quick let's go," Maya says and grabs my arm leading me towards the car. I comply and get in the car driving away quickly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now. I'm just really tired," Maya yawns and falls back into her seat.

"Alright well I'll clear up my bed and we can just sleep for the rest of the night."

"We? No just me you're going on that date," I shake my head. How does she even know about it?

"Maya don't be silly you need me right now it's more important. Remember what we used to always says each other before boys?" She shakes her head at me and waved it off, "I just want to sleep okay? You can go out."


"Don't argue with me right now okay."

I nod but that doesn't mean I've given up. When a friend needs you a friend needs you. It's as simple as that. We pull into my driveway and I have a mini heart attack when I see a car already parked. I looked over towards my door where a tall figure stands.

Join the dots and the time and you get Dylan. His head is down but shoots up at the sound of my car. I feel so guilty he probably thinks I bailed. I rush out of the car and run up to Dylan.

"I am so sorry Maya had this thing and I had to get her and I didn't realise the time I would have texted-"

My stupid rant is cut off by Dylan's suffocating arms, "hey it's okay no hassle."

"Are you sure?" He nods back, "it's okay I'm not going anywhere neither are you we have all the time in the world," he says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Maya walks up to us, "love birds your night isn't over go out alright I'm going to bed," she grabs the keys from my hand and lets herself in.

"Maybe we could have a date at my house?"
I propose I really don't want to cancel our plans but I also want to be here for Maya. Is that selfish?

"I don't want to barge in," Dylan says fiddling with my hands.

"No you won't be I'll order some pizza and we can just watch a live or something. It doesn't even have to count as a first date it can just be like a pre date?" I suggest he smiled brightly at the idea.

"Sounds like a plan," we walk into the house. I walk upstairs to find Maya passed out on my bed. I walk over to her and give her a small hug.

"Sleep tight, I love you," I make my way back downstairs and pick up my phone.

"What pizza are we thinking?"

"The lot," Dylan suggests I mean why not? That's the best pizza there is.

About ten minutes later the doorbell goes off.

Dylan gets up from where we are lying down, "What here I'll go get it."

He returns with the best smelling pizza and puts it out in front of us.

"Is the volume low enough?" Dylan asks as he starts the movie. Which took us only the same amount of time the pizza took to come to choose.

"Um yeah,"

He turns it down a few notches, "that better?"

"A lot," I reply and lean in his chest. It's a nice world I am living in right now. Sometimes I wish I could bottle up the feeling I have in moment like these. If I could I would be the happiest girl to walk the face of this earth.

I finally updated! Haha I might try and make a designated day to update so I can keep myself on track. Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Also it's not edited bc I'm tired asf so don't judge. Also shocker *sarcastically* I have another couple stories I've started writing. I've published the first couple chapters for one. The other one I've only posted one chapter. Lol please read them.
Anyway have a good day/night :)

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