Break Up

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It is in fact the next morning and I have no idea what time it is. I woke up about five times but just went back to sleep instead of being productive and getting up, which is probably going to mess up my schedule, I already place aside a while for me and Kayden today. 

"Alya!" My mum yells from downstairs, I quickly chuck on a jacket and sweatpants knowing that today is going to be freezing. "Mother?" I say walking down the stairs. I look around the corner of the stairs only to be met with Kayden's eyes. So, he bet me to it. I take a deep breath and walk over to the front door. 

"Hello," I wave a small hand at Kayden, "Hey," my mum smiles at us both and walks away, without hesitation I step outside and shut the door behind me. One thing is for sure I do not want to have this conversation inside. 

"We need to talk."

"We do," I take a seat on the steps and Kayden follows, "I think we both know where this is going to go." I say looking over to Kayden, I know him he does not have the guts to break up with me, I know he's the softie in the relationship. If anyone would be bold enough to do this it is me. But for some reason I don't think that's the case at the moment. 

I wait for him to say something but he doesn't, "If I'm being honest with you, you didn't talk to me enough. I always asked you about things when they were bothering you and you would never respond, I get that you don't have to tell me everything. But, you told me close to nothing Kayden."

"I think... know we should break up," I nod, yet again he doesn't want to talk it out but this time  I'm happy to let him win, "It's over," I whisper, "if you ever feel the need to talk to someone and you for some odd reason think that's it's me you want to talk to I'm here."

I stand up open my front door, "I'm here as well." but his voice is drowned out when the door shuts, my mum looks at me, "please don't feel bad or anything, I would rather process this alone," she nods and walks towards me wrapping me in a hug. 

"You know that I love you and that will never change, I will always be here for you and I will never leave, okay?"

"Thanks, mum, but it's okay I've managed without a boy before, I don't need one to keep functioning," she strokes my hair, "that's my girl."

"What do you want for lunch Lou, I can make whatever you please."

"Is it already lunch time?" I step back in shock, my mum chuckles at me, "yeah, it's almost two o'clock," she says calmly like that's a completely normal time to get out of bed, holy shit Kayden must think I'm a fucking maniac. 

"Mum, I slept in till two," I put up two fingers, "yeah, you did," I nod but this time proudly, "that's a new record, I just bet dad by like an hour, where is he anyway?"


"Right, I forgot that it's not the morning," she chuckles at me and I run back up to my room, "Oh and lasagna would be great, love you mum."

So, this is the time where I enter like the process stage meaning I will do anything in my power to not cry about it. This is so I can brag about how strong I am but, this only makes it worse because like half a year later I will start to get the side effects of procrastinating a post break up breakdown. So, what better way to procrastinate a breakdown than to do homework and blast Louis Tomlinson. He's my comfort singer and I also happen to have his name as my middle name. 

But before I can get to any work my brother walks into my room, "Yes?" I say spinning in my chair, "Hello Lou."  

"Hello, my dearest brother, what can I do for you?"

He shrugs, "oh, nothing, just waiting for you to start crying and crawl into my amazing hugs that you know I love to give out."

I chuckle a bit, "I am not going to cry," he shakes his head, "yeah but then you'll do that weird thing were you cry like six months later," I gasp dramatically, "I will not!"

"You want to make a bet on it?"

"I would rather not," he starts laughing at me

"See, you're going to do it," he stares me down, "Liam!" I groan, "don't mess with my breakdown routine, I have almost perfected it."

"You are something else Lou, come on don't do homework, when you're crying-"

"I am not- oh," I quickly wipe the damn tear that somehow escapes. 

"It's okay you can cry as much as you want I'll just wait here until you're ready to admit what just happened," he lays down on my bed so I just glare at him and let the tears stream down my face. 

"From my own experience, crying in bed provides a much more premium experience."

I slump down on the bed as well, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I do not," he nods, "ok then let it out sis, let it all out."


So, we met a couple more characters, how do you feel about the break up? Tbh I couldn't wait to write it. Also I am going in like a posting roulette because I have a whole bunch of chapters written.

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