From My Point of View

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"Where's your head at?" Alex asks as he tosses a cigarette my way. 

"I got no idea," I say tossing my hands around.

Caleb turns his head and a smirk crosses his face, probably looking at one of the many girls that comes here to make out with him. I stand up in hopes to leave them to do whatever it is they want to.

"Where are you going?" one of them asks me, placing a finger on my chest. But not even a smirk crawls up my face, what is happening to me? I usually love this sort of stuff. And as for the cigarette it lays on the floor beneath my feet. 

I look up to meet the girls' eyes they surround me on both sides and I look like a coward to walk away now. I can't let people think that I'm soft, I need to keep up my reputation, but something is stopping me from doing that. I don't know what and it needs to get out of my head before it fully affects me.  

They are grabbing at their loose curls in attempt to twirl it around their fingers. A few more people including some of the guys from the soccer game walk towards us. Around one of them are a few giggling girls who's hands are all over their chest. 

I contain my eye roll, they are so obsessed like leave the person alone but then again they're probably enjoying it. The girls standing next to me keep clearing their throats to try and get my attention. One of them goes to stroke my hair, I push her hand away before she can even touch it. 

"That is not up for touching." I say sternly, they both giggle and look over at each other, "so, then what is?" I'm about to push them off of me until I hear footsteps approach, Alya and Maya walk around the corner. I forget all about the girls on me and meet with Alya's eyes. 

She smiles at me but does so, uncomfortably? I instantly want to push the girls off me, then I see her darting her eyes to the side, where she can see Alex. 

I let out a cough to make up for the silence, "You've come to your senses Dawson?" I say smirking. Why did I say that? No don't let down your guard.

She chuckles lightly, "I'm only here for her," she points to where Maya is standing, "and she's only here to speak with a teacher" 

I am stupid to think she might have got me out of this situation, that she came to get me. She doesn't care about you, Dylan she couldn't careless. 

Alya fiddles with her fingers and looks a bit hurt, shit I really shouldn't have said that.

"Mind if I join?" I ask holding my breath, getting rejected now would be fucking embarrassing. Alya looks towards Maya, I think Maya doesn't mind me so, she should be okay with it. 

I let out the breath I was holding as Maya nods and I follow them into the classroom, not giving a second glance to the girls drooling over me. 

The classrooms quite old, the paint has started peeling and holes have appeared in the walls that are now used to stuff stashes of drugs.

The teacher sits at the wooden desk that's about to fall apart at the front of the classroom going on about something or another. I look over to where Alya is standing behind Maya she gives a warm smile to the teachers name who I never bother to remember.

"Oh, no problem I had a bit of fun walking over here anywhere," I hear Maya say before looking over to Alya and giving her a mischievous look. 

I scrunch my face wondering what they are talking about. I shake my head and turn around ignoring their conversation to walk around the classroom. I hear Alya walk away from them. I turn to the side so I can see her out of the corner of my eye. She's leaning on a table gazing around the classroom, gosh what does it take to make her look at you?

"Dawson," I decide to break the silence, Alya slowly looks over to me, "Dylan," she says acknowledging me. 

I slightly smirk, "are you enjoying this part of town?" I gesture towards outside.

"Mmm, it's been quite the experience," Alya says sarcastically, I love it when she talks like that, "I see you enjoy it very much," 

I chuckle, but all I can think of is if she sees me like that, that typical hookup guy. I know that's my reputation but maybe she sees me differently? "correction they enjoy it," I say sighing.

Alya looks at me seriously, crossing her arms over her chest, "So, then why hangout here?"

I turn around trying to think of what to say before the wrong thing comes out, "because I don't have anything better to do," I smirk hoping that I am convincing enough.

"You could play soccer."

"Too many drooling mouths." I say thinking of the girls outside.

"When has that ever stopped you?" Well then if that's how you want to play, I think stepping towards Alya, "you could sit at the canteen."

"No, I don't like the people who sit there," I shake my head.

She hesitates before saying, "library?"

"Don't like them either."

"Grass near the oval," 

"don't like 'em either."

"Do you like anyone?"

Wouldn't you like to know, "Of course I do Dawson," I say just as I run out of room to keep stepping forward so, I get as close as I can by placing my hands either side of Alya. 

I slowly look up to meet her eyes, but she quickly looks away. I hide the smile tugging at my lip. Her reaction is not what I expect. 

Alya breaks the silence, "So, you hangout at f block?"

"Yeah, I only do it because no one comes here-"


"Well, that is unless they know I'm here."

"Fair enough, why don't you hangout with like the one person you like?"

I mentally snicker at what I plan to say, "Oh, simple she just wouldn't be able to control herself in my presence," I say the next part without knowing what is even coming out of my mouth "well not until she's out of the post-breakup stage," it's in a weak voice, shit did she hear? What do I even mean by that?

"Mmm, yeah no I heard that, care to explain," Alya carefully places her hands on my chest and pushes me backwards. It felt different though, not like the bratty girls who flirt with me every lunch. I enjoy it this time. Gosh, what is she doing to me? Is this why I'm feeling this way? 


"She?" Alya questions me, but I have no idea where that came from so, I come up with a shitty excuse, "hangs out beside the soccer oval isn't ready to move on yet." I scramble my words

"Is that so?" she says eyeing my down.

"Yep, seriously," I meet her eyes, I know she doesn't believe me, shit, what does she think?

"Seriously?" she questions.


So, is Dylan finally going to realise his feelings for Alya? 

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