Party vol.1

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"Should I ask him to come?" Maya doesn't let anyone answer, "Mmm yeah I will," she dials a number and it picks up within the first ring, "Hey..." She says walking out the room.

"Wonder what's so private that she has to leave?" Kayden chuckles.

"I have no idea and I'm not sure I want to," I shudder at the thoughts that run through my head, "Anyway, we should probably set the stuff up, Damian?"

"You sure you don't want me to leave you two love birds in this room... alone? You can have it for the whole night," Damian knows what he's doing because Kayden's gone all red and flustered.

"Ha-ha look what you've done to the poor guy, no it's okay we'll help you," I say putting Kayden out of his shock.

"Good to know I still have loyal friends," Kayden clears his throat and walks out the room after us. 

We set up a row of tables and put on the table covers, then grab the drinks out of the fridge and last the snacks from the cupboards.

"So, what music are we playing?"

"Alya does not have a say in this," Maya walks into the room, "Uh, gosh dammit I had the best song," I say sarcastically, "No, all you had in mind was one direction and we are not letting that happen," I dramatically gasp at Maya and we all start laughing.

The door bell goes off and I go to open the door, "Hello- ah you must be the guy Maya will not stop talking about, nice to meet you I'm her overprotective best friend." I put out a hand and slap a grin on my face.

"Hi," he clears his throat awkwardly, "I'm-"

"Sam, yeah, yeah we know you're practically our best friend now," he stands there nervously, "Ok, take a deep breath," He does so, "ok great you're ready to come in, I'm not going to kill you or anything," I say looking him up and down.

Sam seeks refuge with Maya, "Any music requests, Sam?" his face goes red, "One direction,"  I burst out laughing as Maya's face completely changes, "I have a feeling you and I are going to get along really well," and for the first time since he walked in the door a genuine smile is on his face.


A lot of people have come and the doorbell can probably take a rest now, the music is loud enough that I have to scream to hear my own voice. Everyone has separated into their own groups, the football team (where I am), the hungry people, the people dancing and then the one's making out outside. The music is thumping in my ear and it's getting a bit overwhelming, "It's too loud in here, I'm going outside." I say into Kayden's ear, he nods a reply and I stand up pulling my dress down and walk out the front door.

Bad idea there's just a bunch of people making out and the music is still far too loud. So, I enter the house again and walk to the other end of the house catching Dylan's concerned eyes on the way out the back. For some reason no one ever chooses to sit in the backyard. I slide open the door and the cool air hits me like a bucket of ice, it instantly calms me down. I walk over to the far side of the yard where there's a cubby house that has been there since Damian was a kid. From here the music is barely audible but I can feel the vibrations of it.

"Hey," I look up to see Dylan standing in front of me, "Hey," I mumble.

"You okay?" I nod and he takes a seat, "I just hate how loud it is, that's all."

"Fair enough."

"I'm surprised you're not making out with one of the many girls drooling over you," I say eyeing him.

"You and I are not so different," I laugh at that, "No, seriously you could have all the guys you want and I'm the same with girls, but you just choose to be in a relationship instead," I nod my head, "You're not wrong Dylan great observation."

"What is it about the music that you don't like?"

"It's just way too loud, it sort of freaks me out a bit," he nods for me to continue, "like I can't think properly and all the things that stress me out sort of flood in. I don't know like when someone yells at me I can't help but to cry," I laugh from embarrassment, "and then loud noises sort of send me into a down spiral, I know it sounds strange."

"No, it's okay I might not feel the same but each to their own, just like how you are obsessed-"

"It's commitment not obsession."

"You didn't even let me finish," we both chuckle, "just like you are really passionate towards one directions music, Maya isn't but she understands how you feel cause she's passionate about her own things, I guess."

"Is this coming from the 'it' boy of my school or am I hallucinating?"

He chuckles, "Just because I make out with a lot of girls doesn't mean I'm an ass."

"Whatever you say... but thank you, Kayden and I never really talk about this sort of stuff, or he never really talks about his troubles, I don't know it's sort of confusing."

"You should talk to him, you can't have a relationship without communication."

"You learnt that from the best," I say pointing at myself.

"Indeed I did."

We sit in silence which allows all my thoughts to come floating in, Kayden and I never communicate, he never tells me what's on his mind, what is troubling him, how I can help him but I always try to ask. Does he not trust me? I know it's hard to open up but even the small things he doesn't tell me.


Trouble in paradise Alya is finally realising that her and Kayden don't communicate enough. So, Alya seems to struggle with loud noises, it brings her stress and negative thoughts. Personally I have a similar experience I always feel like people get told they're dramatic when they don't like loud noises. But sometimes there's more of a reason behind it.

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