Breakfast Together

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I wake up to see the tv, Timmy and feel something fanning my face. 

"Shit! Gosh, you scared me," I whisper, Dylan groans.

I sit up, "where are you going?"

"We have school remember?"

"Oh, fuck that," I chuckle at how grumpy he is. 

I check the time on my phone about half an hour before I usually wake up. Liam isn't taking me to school today so I'll just walk there. 

"Dylan," I say pushing him, "get up!"

"No," he groans grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. 

"Don't!" I say sternly, he chuckles at me, "no!" I yell as he starts tickling me.

I fight his arms but it's useless I'm not strong enough. He flips us so, he's hovering on top of me just like when I bumped into him in the corridor. Dylan keeps his eyes locked on mine so, I look away. 

"Why do you always look away Dawson, do I make you nervous?"

I chuckle nervously but speak confidently, "No, Hale you don't." 

He closes the gap between us, everything but our faces touching, "Really?"

"Seriously," I say putting a hand on his chest, "but that's not the right question to ask," he raises his eyebrows, "The real question Hale is, do I make you nervous?"

Dylan's eye flicker to the side for a split second, barely noticeable if you weren't watching really intently. Not saying I am.

My alarm goes off just in the nick of time and I scramble out of his grasp.

"We better get going soon," I sigh looking down at what I'm wearing. 

"Your clothes are dry, if you want them, they are in the that room over there," I point to our spare room, "I'm going to get changed quickly, I'll be back in a second," I take the stairs two at a time and open my wardrobe scavenging for something to wear. I finish up and skip back down the stairs, "Um where's your shirt?" Dylan is standing in the middle of the kitchen shirtless.

"You sound like you're complaining," he smirks, "do you need me to put it on right this second?"

"No," I say too fast, slightly checking him out, "don't need to get snappy."

"I mean it's fine whatever you want to do," he chuckles at me, "I'm playing with you, I can't find my shirt, it isn't with the rest of my stuff."

He steps closer to me, "You didn't keep it did you? Cause I do remember waking up to see you stripping my clothes off," he tilts his head at me.

"I was only doing that because you were freezing and I wasn't going to take it all off," I say swallowing thickly, Dylan laughs at me again, "that's okay, you can keep it, I'll just go to school shirtless and I won't be able to get the girls off me."

"And I would care?"

"I think so."

"Really?" I say tapping my foot, "Seriously," he winks at me. 

I walk out the room and back up the stairs to grab a shirt from my brothers room. I throw it at his face and grab some cereal and milk, pouring the cereal first... obviously. Dylan gets himself some breakfast as well and we sit at the table eating in silence.

"Are you going to the party on the weekend?"

I nod my head taking another bite of my cereal and finishing, "I would ask you the same but I already know you can't miss an opportunity to get laid," I laugh at my own joke. 

"You're a real smartass, Dawson," He says placing his bowl in the sink. 

I pick up my bag and lead Dylan out the door so we can get to school on time. 


Dylan follows me to my locker and watches me as I grab my stuff out, "Where are you going?"

"Humanities first, what about you?"

"Class?" I nod at him, "No thanks, I'm going to-"

"F block?" I roll my eyes, "what are you mad about? And no, not there."

"I'm not mad," I mumble. 

"I'm going to the café, skipping first two periods," he says shrugging, I know he does that a lot and I have no idea why. 

"You shouldn't do that, you miss out on a lot when you skip your classes."

"I do the homework and get the grades at the end of the day so, I'm fine," Dylan says it casually which makes me more annoyed. 

"Okay skip class then," I slam my locker shut, still unsure of why I care. 

"Alya," Dylan says softly, "I have to get to class." I mumble.

I make it to my class way before the second bell goes off, Dylan's there leaning against the wall. How did he get here faster than me? Why is he even here?

"Alya," He says my name again which is weird, I kind of like him using my last name.

"What?" I stand next to Dylan, but don't look towards him. I look around for Maya, she's standing at the front of the line and glances at me but doesn't move to stand with me. I figure she talked to Dylan before I got here. The corridors are filled with noisy students. They all yell unnecessarily loud. I fiddle with my books moving them between hands. 

"Why are you upset at me?"

"Because Dylan, you skip classes, smoke, get into fights and just hookup with girls, it's like you don't really care about yourself," I huff out a breath, "but I do," I look up at him, there's a small smile tugging at his lips. 

"Dawson, I didn't realise you liked me that much," Dylan says holding back a giggle, "no, you're just hot, that's all I'm in this for," I say sticking my head up.

I barely hear what he says over the bell, "In what?" but I ignore the question, not knowing what I meant either. I enter the classroom leaving Dylan standing outside alone.


A Dylan POV next

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