Relationship Troubles

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The word hasn't stopped floating around my head all week. Communication. And the lack of it in my relationship, which has me going in spirals because how can a relationship work without it? Well I have decided to confront my issues head on no matter the outcome.

I find Kayden before he gets to our usual table, "Hey, can we-" his eyes are puffy and there's a massive scratch going down one side of his face, "what- what happened?" he pushes me off and heads towards the bathrooms.

"Kayden! Please what happened why can't you talk to me?"

"Alya, I'm fine there's nothing to tell," I point towards his face and look at him pointedly, "Kayden clearly something happened, who did that?"

"Please let me just deal with it myself Alya, don't worry about me, okay?"

"No, not okay Kayden, what's so wrong about telling me?" Kayden stands there just looking at me, "Nothing I just-"

"If there's nothing wrong about you telling me then why can't you? Is there something bigger going on?"

"No, no, I just need to fix this up myself, I don't want you to stress about me," I scoff, "This is what stresses me out Kayden the fact that you don't talk to me!" He shakes his head, "I do talk to you Alya, what do you mean?"

"Don't play that card Kayden, every time I ask you what's up when you are clearly upset you shrug it off and don't tell me!" His eye are watering up again, like he knows that he does it.

"I don't want to put all my shit on you though."

"But there is nothing wrong with telling me when something is bothering you, even if I just know about it, rather than being left out on it,"

"I'm sorry, I just don't- I don't know, Alya, I need to go and be alone." I scoff, is he really going to do this to me?

"So, you're just going to walk away from this problem as well?"

Kayden doesn't stop to respond he just keeps walking towards the bathrooms leaving me behind. I stand there for a while just to process what happened. I watch everyone walk past laughing, talking and whispering with their friends whilst I wallow in my sorrows. I don't even dare to let myself tear up, I'm stronger then that, I can't let this distract me.

I unconsciously sit down where I am standing and just stare at the concrete following the paths of the ants that are picking up people's crumbs. For some reason my mind is completely blank, which never happens like I don't feel anything. It's an odd feeling, then it floods back, how can he walk away like that? Pretend like it's fine and normal? Gosh why should I even care it's just a high school relationship. You learn from it and move on. But are we still together? I think so? I really should talk to him-

"Hey, are you okay?"

I focus back to reality, "hey, I'm doing... I don't know."

He chuckles a bit but concern still fills his eyes, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head, "No, I do not," He nods his head, "okay, then do you want to go sit with your friends? I'm sure they'll lighten your mood," I nod my head in response and he helps me stand up.

We walk over to the table where my friends are and I put a smile on my face, "You don't have to fake it, they're your friends," he gives me a small grin and goes to walk off, "do you want to sit with us, I swear we aren't that un-cool," he smiles and without hesitation and says, "Yeah, I would love to."

Maya keeps her eyes peeled on her phone, "So, which 'it' boy is joining us today?" I chuckle quietly, "Dylan," I say snatching her phone, "and which boy are you texting, oh..." I say wiggling my eyebrows, "it's Sam, what a surprise," I say sarcastically.

Maya aggressively grabs at her phone, "What are you hiding?" her face turns red, "No- nothing!" I slowly nod my head, "Really? Then why do you care if I know what you two talk about, you always let my go through your messages."

"I- yeah but- no, give me my phone!"

"Don't worry I didn't read anything, I wouldn't dare to without your permission," I hand her phone back, "Thanks Alya," she says childishly.

"No, you were wrong you are the coolest people I have met," Dylan snickers.

"Anyway, back to more important news Alya," my heart pounds faster, I hate talking about this sort of stuff, "What's up with you and lover boy?"

I huff out a breath, "I don't know," I rest my head on top of my arms and Damian rubs my back, "He never wants to talk to me about what's bothering him or important," I start tapping my fingers to relieve some of the stress.

"This is why I don't do relationships." Dylan says proudly, "You should try not doing relationships Alya, it's a lot less stressful, if I'm being honest it actually relieves a lot of my stress-"

"You can stop talking now," I shove a hand over his mouth, "Who votes Dylan to not give me advice right now? All in favor raise your hand," Maya and Damian follow my lead in raising a hand, "you have been voted out, sorry." I say sarcastically.

"I could just say the advice to myself but really loudly."

"No, thank you."

"Damn I really think you would have loved to hear what I had to say next-"

"I don't even want an idea of what you are going to suggest, I would stop while I'm at it if I were you," I sit straight back up again, "You've never even been in a committed relationship."

"You don't know that," I raise my eyebrows, "Don't tell me you have," Dylan smirks, I mouth 'no' at him and shake my head, but he just nods.

"Dylan Grey Hale in a relationship, I know something that relationship would have plenty of." Did I say that out loud?

A double upload yes. I have most of the story written so, I'll upload a lot.
Hope you enjoy this and that la for all the love on both my stories, I love the comments and reactions. Even if it's from one person.

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