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Friday: 12:30 pm

"Ready to go, Chibi-chan?" 

"Yeah, let's go..." you get in the car and buckle your seatbelt. 

Kuroo finishes loading your luggage in the trunk and makes his way over to the driver's seat. He begins to drive, bringing you guys back to your home... It really wasn't that long of a drive, maybe 15- 20 minutes? Either way, it was still exciting simply because it's been a while since you've been home. Neither of you told your parents or Kenma because you thought it'd be a nice surprise.

As you guys drive through the familiar roads, you look out the window watching the little shops and stores that you grew up around, pass you by. It's crazy to think how, without even realizing it, you left your home. You knew you'd always come back but it never occurred to you that you'd actually have to leave at some point. This part of the city was what made up your childhood until your teenage years. You always imagined walking your kids through the streets where you grew up and taking them to all the shops you went to. You thought they'd go to Nekoma High and maybe participate in the same things you and Kuroo did... You know you're still young, but you can already imagine the life ahead of you. Maybe growing up here, you thought you'd always come back but after being away for University, you guess things have changed. You wanted to enjoy your career, struggle with bills, and paying taxes... maybe even live on your own for a while. You wanted to truly live like an adult. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, after all... you're just visiting for the weekend.

Before you know it, you've pulled up in front of your house. You and Kuroo get out of the car and stand in front of your driveway. 

"I think I'm gonna go see if anyone's home, okay?" Kuroo says. 

"Yeah, sure." You walk up to your door and stand there for a little. You watch Kuroo do the same and it instantly reminds you of back when you'd spend the whole day together just to go home and see him again, waiting at his window. 

You fiddle with your keys, trying to get into the hole until you finally do so. You open the door to the same smell of deliciously cooked food your dad never fails to make tasty. You can already hear your mom humming to the music as she sits at the dining table and watches your dad in the kitchen. 

"Hello? Anyone home?" you call out. 

"Y/N!?" you hear your mom exclaim.

 She peaks her head up to see if it's really you and quickly gets up from her seat. Your dad turns around to see for himself. His jaw drops and his eyes widen. They both shuffle their way to the house to make their way over to you. They both stare at you for a second, before giving you a hug.

"Honey, why didn't you call first? I would've washed your bedsheets... Is Kuroo here too?" your mom asked.

"Right her Mrs. L/N," Kuroo says popping his head through the front door and giving a friendly wave. 

"My parents weren't home but I called my mom and they said they'd be here for dinner later tonight..." 

"Oh, well isn't this a nice surprise! How long are you guys staying for?" 

"Only the weekend, then we have to head back..." Kuroo tells your mom. 

"Too bad your brother isn't here this week but we'll give him a call later..." your dad says. 

"I'm sure you guys have plans but do you guys want to stay for lunch? Your dad is almost done cooking," your mom asks.

"We could definitely eat something before heading to Nekoma... You know how intense Coach's drills can be," Kuroo jokes while giving you a nudge.

"Oh, how exciting! Well let's eat then!" your mom practically shoves you both into your seats and starts to set the table. 

This reminds you of when you and Kuroo were younger and after playing outside for hours. Your mom would have to drag you both inside to eat something before you guys headed outside to play again. Those were memories that may have slipped your mind every now and then but you'd never forget them. 

After catching up and having lunch with your parents, you thought that it was finally time to head to Nekoma. At this time, they would've just started practice. 

"Boys, It's time to get our heads in the game and time to prepare for the new school year... It will be difficult without Y/N but I've already started looking for replacements..." you can hear Coach's voice echo throughout the gym. 

"Oh Coach, you know I'm not that easy to replace..." you joke as you enter the gym. 

"And I'm hurt, Coach! I was just as important!" Kuroo argues following behind you. 

The team looks at you both in disbelief. A few of them were confused as to who the hell you were but you assumed they were first years. The familiar face got up to give you hugs while one particular person had a quite salty look on their face. 

"Why didn't you tell me!?" An angry and annoyed Kenma approaches the both of you.

"Woah, calm down... It was supposed to be a surprise!" Kuroo says stepping in front of you. 

"I don't like surprises..." Kenma says bluntly.

"Too bad! I know you miss us... well, me the most" you give Kenma a hug. He seems annoyed but you know he misses you too.

"We both know it's me-... actually, you probably did miss Y/N more..." Kuroo admits.

"I guess I missed you too..." Kenma walks a little closer to Kuroo and Kuroo takes that as an invitation to hug him.

"So, come to see what the new teams like I see?" Coach says approaching you.

"You know I keep my promises, Coach. I told you I'd come back to help out..." 

"We promised we'd come back..." Kuroo corrects you, pulling you closer to his side.

"I also see you guys are still together, huh? When do I get to see great-grandbabies?" Coach jokes. 

"Woah, one step at a time..." you say a little freaked out. 

"Yeah, don't worry Coach... but soon," Kuroo winks at Coach. You give him a side-eye.

'What does he mean by 'soon'? I'm gonna take as much time as I need before having kids...' you think to yourself.

"Well, I don't have all day... Let's get to practice shall we?" Coach says loudly as he claps his hands, getting everyone's attention. The boys all answer back in unison. 

You and Kuroo stayed for the remainder of practice. You can tell Coach really appreciated the extra helping hand since you remembered the drills from last year and Kuroo helped out with game plans. Afterward, you made it up to Kenma with another sleepover but this time he allowed Kuroo to stay the night as well. You never realized how much you were going to miss this until it was gone. Volleyball was now another memory you just had to cherish but it's okay... hopefully your kids eventually pick up a liking to the sport. And you hoped they'd also get to have friends like Kuroo and Kenma because, without them, life probably wouldn't be this good. The important thing is that you're home. Back home where you'll always be ready to come back too.

-End of Chapter 43-

Bottled memories (kurooxreader)Where stories live. Discover now