Dumpling Shop

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Sunday 5:00 pm

You were finally able to drag Kuroo's ass out of the arcade since he was trying to get a few more kisses in. Kuroo thanks the owner of the arcade before leaving and you both make your way to the car. Like before, Kuroo doesn't tell you where you guys are going next but this is time you didn't bother to ask because it's not like he would've changed his mind. 

You guys start your drive and you notice that Kuroo pulls up into a parking garage. He parks the car and says "Okay Chibi-chan, we're gonna have to go on a little walk on the streets for this next stop, is that okay?" 

Kuroo is usually polite and respectful but this was a whole new level of chivalry that just made you think it was all a dream. The best part was that it wasn't. "Of course we can walk I don't mind, as long as I'm with you I'm always having a great time..." you say thoughtfully. Kuroo blushes.

"Alright well then let's go," he says giving you a kind smile. He proceeds to quickly get out of the car and quickly jog over to your side just like before. 

His little jog is now one of your favorite things, "You know, you don't have to do that every time," you say laughing when he opens your door.

"No! This is our first date and even though we've been best friends for more than 10 years, I still want to make a good impression," he protests.

"Okay then," you giggle at his response.

You start to walk towards the exit that heads out to the street. As you were walking you hear Kuroo's footsteps catch up to yours. You guys walk side by side until you feel a hand slip into yours. You look up at Kuroo but he doesn't seem to react. You've held his hand before but for some reason, him holding your hand felt right and the feeling filled you up with that fuzzy feeling you get when you see your crush. He notices you still looking and smiles at you, you give him a big smile back and then turn your head. You feel his hand grip yours a little tighter. It literally makes your heart skip a beat and you wouldn't mind if it skipped again. 

A few moments later, you and Kuroo walk the streets of downtown. You've always loved the city and you know when you're older you want to get a condo when you move out. You look around and look at the tall buildings and the bright lights. You smell all the food from the street vendors and watch little kids run in and out of stores with parents chasing after them. You look and see teenagers younger than you and Kuroo and notice them laughing as they eat at the cafe across the street. 

"And we are here," Kuroo says as he stops walking.

You look over to him and then look over at the store he's in front of. A dumpling shop. 'OMG a dumpling shop?! I love dumplings!' you think to yourself. As you let your eyes explore the outside of the shop your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open in awe. You don't notice that you often react to small things like a child but Kuroo always loves catching your face like that. He smiles at you and says "You're acting like it's Disneyland,"

"No but this is close enough..." you respond still not taking your eyes off the big dumpling sign.

"Well I knew you haven't eaten dumplings in a while and so I thought what a perfect opportunity,"

"Kuroo, I-" you were just about to thank him but he cuts you off.

"Nope, don't thank me yet, the day hasn't ended here just yet." he walks over to the door and opens it for you. You walk up to the entrance and the smell of all the different flavors already hit you in the face. It's warm inside, you look to the left and see chefs at work and a bunch of steam coming out of all sorts of pots and pans. You look to your right and see a small seating area that's isn't as packed as you thought it would be but you're not complaining. 

A young waitress seats you guys down and hands you guys your menus. You love how homey this place feels and you can imagine coming here again, especially if you ever have a family of your own, maybe a family with someone in particular... I mean one can dream, right? 

"My dad tells me that the pork dumplings are really good here," Kuroo says.

"Ouu yeahh I was thinking about getting them, but everything here looks so good it's hard to choose..." you say excited but pouting because the decision to chose which dumplings you want was just becoming difficult.

"You can get whatever you want chibi-chan, I just want you to enjoy," Kuroo says giggling at your frustration.

'Holy damn he said I can get whatever I want... this is literally a whole ass man right here!' you think in your head trying to contain yourself. 

"And if you still can't decide, we can always come back here another time so we can end up trying all the flavors," he says.

Maybe it's the fact that it's about food, but his words make you melt. It's probably the fact that he's thinking about you and what you want that makes you feel really special. Kuroo always put you and Kenma first whenever he could growing up and you think sometimes he felt obligated to take care of you guys. Of course, there were times where you felt the need to take care of Kuroo and Kenma because of how often they acted like big babies... and Kenma was always just taken care of, he was the actual baby of the three of you. 

You guys finally decided to order the pork dumplings and a few other items on the menu. Kuroo's dad was right, these dumplings were the best. You said you'd order more to go so that you could give them to his and your families. Even though Kuroo said this isn't where the day was going to end, you still think that you guys had an amazing time. You watch Kuroo put a whole dumpling in his mouth while it makes his cheeks puff up every time he chews. Something about the ambiance and the smell of the food makes you feel warm inside, or maybe it was just knowing being with Kuroo couldn't make you any happier... something about him is just so special, Kuroo's always been special and you never want to let him go... You can't help but smile at the fact that you are his and he is yours... You pause snd think. 'Wait. we haven't actually talked about that yet... what are we?' 

-End of Chapter 25-

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