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Timeskip three weeks, Friday 6:00 pm

Volleyball has just ended and you, Kenma, Kuroo, and Lev are talking. It's been a few weeks since you and Lev met and you already feel trusting of him, which is rare since you feel like you don't trust easily. Although you can tell Kenma isn't very fond of him too much, you reassure him no one will ever replace your Kenken. 

"So are you guys excited for tomorrow?' I know I am," Lev says sweetly.

"Of course! I'm always pumped for training camp, even if it is just for a few days... that reminds me Y/N you need to help me pack." Kuroo says nicely as if that'll convince you more to help him.

"Three years you've been on this team, an honor roll student, and team captain yet you don't know how to pack your own bag for a few days away from home." You say rolling your eyes.

"But please?" Kuroo says even sadder and pleading. He has got to be joking right? 

You give in and finally agree. 

"Oh me too..." Kenma adds on.

Joking and annoyed you say, "Why don't you guys just bring all your clothes, let me sort everything, and sleep at my house so you don't have to worry about a thing." You say reluctantly. 

"Okay!" Kenma and Kuroo both agreeing with you.

"What? I was just- oh just forget it, it's impossible to talk to you two." You say giving up.

Kenma goes home and quickly gets all his stuff from his house and heads to your house, while Kuroo just heads home and throws his clothes through your open window. They both wait at your front door. You let them in, and have dinner with your family. After dinner, you set up a bed on the floor for one of them to sleep on. 

" I can't believe you really just threw all your stuff into my room," you say scoffing.

"It was quicker," Kuroo says trying to be charming.

"Whatever you owe me sooo many snacks," you demand as you pack both Kenma and Kuroo's bags for tomorrow.

As you finish you lay on your bed, only to realize Kuroo laying right beside you. it startles you. "Uh, you're not going to sleep on the floor?" You ask him.

"No. I want to cuddle plus Kenma will be playing games all night, and I know Kenma slept over while I was on vacation, so I get to sleep in the bed this time." He says arguing.

You think about it, and he is right because they usually take turns sleeping on your bed so you let it slide, "Fine since Kenma's playing games, do you want to watch a movie?" You ask.

"How about we listen to some music while we ponder life?" Kuroo says.

"Okay then pick a playlist," you say laughing.

You guys then begin to listen to music while sharing a pair of headphones as you cuddle, your head on his chest, his arm around your waist. Kenma was in his own little world, just playing games with his own headphones on so he couldn't hear anything... he was whispering so it seemed like he was talking to someone but you didn't think much of it. 

You and Kuroo continue to cuddle and listen to music. He starts to move his hand up to your shoulder and starts to draw circles with this thumbs. this gives you goosebumps and butterflies. 

"Y/N I really hope I have you in my life for a long time. Please promise me no matter what you'll be by my side. Because I promise you I'll be by yours, always." kuroo says seriously.

"Of course Kuroo, you know you always scare me whenever you get into deep thoughts like that," you say to him.

"I'm sorry, but you know me, I'm just one to kind of just say what's on my mind..." he says calmly.

" Yeah, I know. And I do promise." you say sweetly.

"What?" Kuroo says kind of surprised.

"I promise to always be by your side no matter what. Usually, I don't like promises because they're usually never kept but you, Kuroo Tetsuro, are my only exception," you say smiling while you look up at him. 

You both make eye contact while smiling at each other and something about this moment feels right. Even though these feelings of yours are evolving and you don't know how dangerous they're going to get, you still feel like it's okay, like it's okay to let yourself go just this once. You can't help it at this moment but feel like kissing him. Just to feel that same excitement like you did on the rooftop... So you do did. You slightly push your body up towards him so it was just enough for your lips to meet his. But only for a quick second, only a small peck was made. Right after that you almost felt regret because you felt like this was ruining your friendship, but Kuroo wasn't feeling the same way. Before you were able to pull away and turn yourself around to the other side of the bed, he grips your shoulder a little tighter, lightly grabs your chin with his fingers, and goes in for another more intense kiss. 

Caught off guard, you kiss him back and melt into the kiss. You don't hear fireworks this time, but instead, feel like you're floating yet grounded. His arms are your anchor, yet you still feel like you're able to breathe without struggle. You feel like you're home, like it's a cold fall day outside, but you're inside your warm house with the fireplace on and wrapped up in a blanket all cozy. Kuroo made you feel like that, you loved it and it was just another moment to bottle up and keep forever. Every last bit of it. He continues to kiss you, his hand going down to your waist, with his other moving your hair behind your ear, and cupping your face afterwards. You then cup his face bringing him closer, with now no space between you. After a few minutes, you pull away realizing you need to get up early. 

You were both smiling at each other until your smile starts to fade, "Kuroo-" you get cut off.

"Goodnight chibi-chan..." Kuroo says softly, kisses your forehead, and drifts to sleep while still cuddling you.

You guess now just wasn't the time to talk about what's been going on between you two. But you just know, if you don't figure it out soon, it might just ruin things more than you can handle... so until you both talk you are both just friends.

"Goodnight Kuroo," you say closing your eyes.

-End of Chapter 9-

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