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Timeskip: A week- Friday: 4:45pm

(Sidenote: Although I've had an amazing time writing this story, all good things must come to an end... Sadly, I will be finishing this story soon I don't know exactly when but eventually. I'm so glad I was able to have so many of you be a part of the journey and it really warms my heart by how many of you like it. Though this story is reaching it's end, that doesn't mean I'm done writing. I'm already writing a new story and it is currently in the making. It is about another Haikyuu character so I hope you guys will stick around for that one as well! Thank you for all the love and support <3 anyways continuing with the story...)

It was now May and you couldn't believe that the school year was almost finished. It all happened so quickly, you didn't get the chance to live in the moment. But that's life and so you continue to get ready for prom. Next week you'd be graduating and then you're on summer vacation until heading off to University with Kuroo. You can't believe that you're going off to university with him, you didn't plan to go to the university, it just happened. You liked how you never made distance an issue between you too. Sure, it would've been hard but you know that nothing could seperate you and Kuroo. Thankfully, that worked out in your favour. You're sad you'd be leaving Kenma behind, but within a year you'll all be reunited, plus he had Hinata to spend more of his time with... hopefully he doesn't kill Lev.

You head to your shower, getting ready for prom. The school let the kids go home early to get ready for prom, plus there wasn't much for us to learn since it's the end of the school year. as usual, Mayumi dropped by to do your hair and makeup and never failed to amaze you. You slip on your dress and the look is complete. You made sure your curtains were closed so Kuroo wouldn't see it, knowing him, he's trying to see what you're wearing. Kenma was also there with you getting ready and Hinata was on his way over. Hinata finally stood up to Kageyama about being with Kenma, telling him that they aren't together anymore and that he's happy with Kenma. Kageyama was obviously heartbroken, so Hinata decided to spend prom with us. Kenma better not screw this up... Hinata is good for Kenma.

"So, what do you think?" you ask Kenma while you stand in front of your mirror.

He looks up from his phone and says, "I think Kuroo will definitely want to fu-" 

"UM, that's my brother!" Mayumi stops him.

Kenma give Mayumi this look that says "Seriously though?" 

"Okay yeah, he probably would but we've tought him him well... if Y/N doesn't want to he won't," Mayumi says.

"Wait, do you think he'll want to do it tonight?" you say clueless.

"You're so stupid sometimes... Of course he wants to! Why do you think everyone's going to the hotel after?" Kenma says amazed at your lack of understanding.

You slightly blush... did you really want to do it? I mean the thought of it already makes you excited, maybe it's finally time to do it with Kuroo. 

"Okay then," you say calmly.

"So you're going to do it??" Mayumi asks excited. You know she's your boyfriend's sister but she was like your girl best friend and so she was happy for you regardless of you dating her brother. Thank God, she wasn't one of those sisters who were possessive and rude for no reason.

"Yeah I think I'm ready..." you say smiling. 

"Ugh, don't book the room next to me then..." Kenma says rolling his eyes.

"Oh so you and Hinata, huh?" you ask jokingly.

"It's not the first time..." he says under his breath.

"What??" you say shocked.

"He's slept over before... I don't know how you let Kuroo sleepover without doing anything... Seriously Y/N you're really leading Kuroo on..." he says giggling.

Was it true? Were you really leading him on? You didn't mean too... You weren't feeling pressured if anything it made you feel like this was a moment you'd want with Kuroo and only him.

You hear the doorbell ring and your mom calls for you. "Well, my work here is done kiddos... go have fun!" Mayumi says.

You and Kenma head downstairs and see two fine men waiting to take you to the dance. Kenma went down first because he was excited to see Hinata. 

"WOW!! You look amazing!!" You hear Hinata exclaim. CUTE, they honestly had tobe your favourite couple.

"Alright Y/N, come on down..." your mom calls. 

You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down before going down. Something about tonight made you feel like something special was going to happen and you were really excited to wear this dress out. You slowly take a step downstairs, hoping not to fall. As soon as your mom sees you she says "Ahh! You're gorgeous..." 

"Thank you.. I did that!" Mayumi shouts from upstairs. 

You continue to make your way down the stairs and stand only a few feet away from Kuroo. You look up at him and his expression seemed... shock? Happy? Maybe he was daydreaming? Was he okay? you honestly didn't know what to call it. 

"Y/N you look very pretty!" Hinata says gleaming at you. 

"thank you Hinata, you look good too," you smile back.

"Back off..." Kenma says holding Hinata closer.

You look back at Kuroo who's still in his little world. 

"Seriously Kuroo, pull yourself together..." Mayumi says watching from the stairs. 

His mouth closes after hanging open and shakes his head a little. He looks at you and gives a bright smile, his cheeks are pink and you can tell he's nervous. You walk closer to him and hold his hand. 

"Hi Kuroo," you say playfully.

"H-hello," he studders still smiling.

"You look very handsome..." you say kissing his cheek. His face goes blank again. 

You nudge him, "Kuroo!" you giggle.

He laughs, "I'm sorry but Chibi-chan you're- I don't even know.... wow," he says like his breath had just been taken away, while looking you up and down. 

"Oh, it's nothing..." you say shyly. You lie. You knew you looked good. But what's the harm in teasing?

"Wait, let me just look at you..." he says cupping your face with both hands.

You look at him and just smile. He takes a moment to study every detail on your face, until he gives you another big smile. "My baby is gorgeous," he gives you a kiss on the forehead. 

"Let me see the outfit," he says twirling you around. He gains back his confident and charming personality, though you liked speechless and shy Kuroo. 

He twirls you around and says "Ouuu, Mhm that's my Chibi-chan!" It was cheesy but you liked how he hyped you up. 

"Yessir," you agree giving him a kiss. He blushes more. 

"Okay lovebirds, let's take pictures quickly so you can get to the dance!" your mom says holding up her phone. 

Hinata and Kenma go first. They were so cute, wearing their tuxes and Kenma's arms wrapped around Hinata. He looks so awkward, you try not to laugh at him, thank God Hinata is saving the picture by his big smile.

You and Kuroo go next but before taking the picture Kuroo slips on a corsage. It was small but you liked it like that. Kuroo pulls you close and you both pose for the camera. Of course Kuroo couldn't help himself and kissed your cheek as the picture was taken. You didn't want to take another one because you knew it looked perfect, even without seeing it. Even if it wasn't perfect, you could always make up for it at prom. 

-End of Chapter 36-

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