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Timeskip: A month- Thursday: 5:00 am 

(Sidenote: I know I said that I was going to be ending this story soon but I just thought of new ideas for chapters that I just couldn't leave out. So, instead of ending with 45 chapters like I planned... I might write about 10 or more chapters... I thought I should just let you know my plans:) anyways, continuing with the story...)

It was already the end of summer and in a few days, you and Kuroo would be heading off to university. You figured that you and Kuroo could go on a little adventure since you could finally get away from Kenma (it's not that he was annoying but he's definitely tried to spend as much time with you before you left, thankfully, he and Hinata wanted the day together). 

"Where are we going?" Kuroo asks getting into the passenger seat. 

"Remember when you took me out on our first date and you didn't tell me where we're going multiple times?" 


"Well this will be like that but you're going to be experiencing my p.o.v," you respond with a smile and start to drive. 

He grins at your comment and accepts it. The only thing you decided to tell Kuroo was that it would be a long drive and bring swimming shorts, everything else you took care of. The car ride wasn't boring. In fact, car rides with Kuroo were never boring. He always managed to fill the silence with something. whether it was having a conversation, having a concert, or even just listening to him talk about God knows what. But this time, since you guys got up so early, Kuroo was sleeping. His head was resting on his palm, which was supported by the door handle. You were sure to drive carefully and as smoothly as possible since you didn't want him to keep waking up. Every now and then you'd sneak a glance at him to see if he was okay. His mouth was slightly parted open and his cheek was squished. You accidentally hit a manhole in the road and the car shook. Kuroo briefly woke up, causing him to sit up a little. His eyes were barely open and he quickly went back to his position but this time on your side of the car. He was now facing you. His mouth did this little thing like he was tasting something and you couldn't help but giggle a little. He unconsciously rested his hand on your leg while the other was supporting his hand. It's almost been a year since you guys have started dating yet he still manages to give you the same butterflies you felt all the way back in 2nd grade... even when he's sleeping. 

An hour later, Kuroo woke up again and the car was loud like it usually is. You continued to drive until you finally reached your destination. As you parked, Kuroo looked around and noticed tall trees surrounding you guys. 

"They're so beautiful... I feel like my lungs are really healthy right now. You know, with all this oxygen..." he says breathing in heavily. You just look at him weirdly. What an odd way to put it.

You continue to talk into the forest and set out on the trail you had planned to go down. It really was beautiful. It was dense but it was breathable, you didn't feel suffocated by all the trees towering over you. When you were both quiet, you could hear the wilderness. The birds chirping, the chipmunks nibbling and the water rushing from the stream. 

"Baby, I just thought of a joke, can I tell you it?" you looked over to him as you both walked.

"Do I have to hear it?" you asked, remembering all the times Kuroo has made horrible science jokes.

"Do you love me?" he asked like a child.

You rolled your eyes. Reluctantly, you said "Okay, go ahead,"

"If a chemistry student is too stupid to learn about oxygen does that make him..." He started to laugh at the joke even though he hadn't finished it. You look at him with a blank face waiting for him to finish. "An oxyMORON?!" he emphasizes the word moron so you would get it. 

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