True thoughts

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Niall's POV
Fiona. Fiona.
I'd had mixed feelings about her, but now I knew.
I love her.
I walked upstairs, carrying a tray of food for Fiona. The boys were downstairs, eating dinner quietly. They all still seemed sort of sad, and I knew how guilty they felt.
Opening her door slowly, I walked in, then dropped the tray.
"Niall? Everything alright?"
She..... She was gone.

Fiona's POV
I wish I could see the looks on those bastards faces when they found out I was gone.
Last time, my plan the climb out the window with sheets hadn't worked very well. I had ran into a tree, then I had beaten the snot out of the supposedly "World Famous Boyband". This time, I tried a different technique.
I had jumped onto a tree.
Where I had climbed down.
And ran through strangers backyards until I found a highway.
Which I followed until I reached a gas station.
Where I promptly called the police, then my mom.

300 VIEWS!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! By the way, I wuv it when you comment because then I know that your actually there.... SO COMMENT YOU FOOLS
or I'll take a pair of scissors.... And say "My my Harry, your going to need a new name..."

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