Oh Snap

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"You... You little bitch."
I stared at Liam. The whole time I had been here, I hadn't heard Liam utter a single profanity.
Damn, he's angry.
Harry stood up, standing next to Liam, with a similar look on his face. Zayn was getting himself together, and he began to stand up, to join is boy-band brothers. Niall and Louis were still recovering from shock.
"You ran off" Liam started,
"You told them I was dead," Zayn added
"You tricked us" Harry said, as the boys began walking towards me, making me inch backwards.
"You beat us up" Louis said, getting into it.
"And you.... Uh.... You drew on Zayn's mirror" Niall said, running out of ways that I had wronged them.
I felt my eyes water.
"Well, what did you expect me to do? You kidnapped me, took away my freedom, drugged me, and tied me up!"

Harry threw a punch. I tried to duck, but it hit the side of my neck. I looked at him, stunned, as he and the others got ready to beat me up. I quickly turned around, and ran a little ways before flipping off of the balcony, but I wasn't as focused so I landed a bit funny before rolling. My ribs hurt.
They didn't see. To be pursuing me.... Then they exited Zayn's room, with long bo staffs in there hands.
They came downstairs, and stood in a line, facing me. Only Niall looked uncertain.
"We win, you do as we say, you win, you can leave." Liam stated the rules. I didn't like it. Five fit, angry teenage boys with sticks vs one unarmed teenage girl.
I exhaled.
"Fine." This might be a chance to escape, no matter how small of a chance.

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