Da Plan

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Louis P.O.V.
"So.... What's your name, love?" I asked, after a long awkward silence.
_____ glared daggers at me, and I licked my lips nervously. She was scary.
Cute, but scary.
"Why did you kidnap me?" She snapped, a rebellious shimmer in her eye.
Is there a such thing? A rebellious shimmer?
Either way, I was sort of impressed at her boldness. She didn't even seem scared.
Liam cleared his throat.
"Well.... Uhh...."
"Love, do you even know who we are?" Asked Harry, leaning forwards on his couch. She stared at him with a "are you kidding me?" Look on her face. I cracked a smile.
Her glare was pointed at me again, and I sank back into the couch.
"How about a trade." Niall suggested. He seem d utterly terrified of her, but at least he was holding his ground. "You tell us your name, and we will tell you why we kidnapped you."
It seemed fair enough to me. A small smile appeared on the girls lips.... But she quickly hid it.
"My name is Sammy." She paused. "Now tell me why I'm here." She looked across at Harry, who had been twiddling his fingers.
"Sammy, what a lovely name." She didn't even blush, just raised an eyebrow and asked again "Why am I here?"
I sighed. "Ok, well, we were tired of this place a,ways being dirty, and the other day Liam was yelling at Niall for not picking up his stuff, when he said that we should just get a maid. But then Harry had suggested that we get a live-in maid, but we didn't really want to look for one online, because our identities might get out, and someone might try to kill us or something." I shrugged. "So-"
"So you thought that it would be a better idea just to kidnap me? Are you kidding?"
"Don't interrupt me." Harry stood, an angry look on his face. He walked up to her, and tryed to slap her face, but she dodged, rolling off the couch. Wiggling like a worm, she bent both of her knees, then extended them quickly, effectively making Harry fall. Harry scrambled up, surprised, and was about to get angry again when Liam stood. "Enough." He pulled Sammy up by the shoulders, and sat her back down on the couch, sitting upright. He held the back of her neck with his hand, and for the first time, Sammy looked uncertain.
"Ohh.... I just realized something" Zayn said, frowning. "Guys, can we talk in the kitchen?"
Liam stood up, pulling Sammy up with him, and uncertainly carried her to the little storage room under the stairs, setting her down and closing the door behind him.

Zayn's P.O.V.
I had always felt sort of uncertain about this plan. There seemed to be a fault in it, but until now I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Guys, I just realized... Well, if she's always trying to escape, how can we keep her as our personal maid if shell just run away the first chance she gets?"
Liam scoffed. "So Niall. What was your p,an for that, exactly?" He had felt the same uneasiness as I had about the kidnapping.
"Well..... We could..... Uh....." Niall seemed nervous, and I understood why. Sammy scared the heck out if him.
"We could make sure that there is always so one with her at all times" Harry suggested, an evil glint in his eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak, and I mentally thought 'here it comes....'
"I call shower duty". Ugh. Harry, Harry, Harry. One minute, he's trying to slap the girl, the next, he's doing his best to see her naked.
The other boys started protesting, Liam claiming that that was taking away her rights as a woman, while Harry argued back that we'd already kidnapped her. They argued for about a minute, until Niall quietly spoke up. "Harry.... I think she would somehow drown you or something in the shower."
They stopped arguing immediately, and I decided to speak up.
"Well, it's not a bad idea. I mean, the shower part is a bad idea, but the keeping an eye on her.... That would work. Still, she can sort of beat us up..."
Harry's eyes widened. "Guys, I have an idea. Let's make sure she knows that if she tried to run, there will be consequences."
Liam furrowed his brow. "What type of consequences?"
"I've got an idea," Harry said confidently, "but I'll only use it if necessary. But we should still take precautions... Find a better way to lock the doors, maybe switch the lock on the bedroom door that's she's staying in, so we can lock her in, not the other way around."
Louis nodded slowly. "I see...."
"One last thing" Niall said, getting his courage back. "How do we keep her from hurting us? Besides threatening, that is. And should we try to be nice to her, or mean or..." He trailed off.
I just shrugged. "I don't know, but we could all keep duct tape and handcuffs and stuff, then I could go and get some of those karate stuff..."
"Like, weapons?" Louis asked uncertainly.
"While, sort of. There are these things called boa staffs, which are like long walking sticks, that we could use to fight her from a distance without hurting her too badly. And, I could get done of those smaller sticks, like police use? Nightsticks, or something?"
They looked doubtful, but nodded slowly. An "ok" plan was better than no plan at all.
With that, our 'meeting' adjourned, and I grabbed my car keys to go to the nearest martial arts store, a few blocks away.

Fiona's P.O.V.
I had been feeling pretty good about myself, for someone who had recently gotten kidnapped. To be honest, I was really scared of my kidnappers, but to be honest I think that the feeling was mutual.
I also felt pretty good about giving them a false name. I had told them that my name was Sammy, when it was actually Fiona. I had decided, when I was younger, that if I was ever kidnapped I would tell them a fake name, if given the choice. That way, I would avoid becoming to weak, because they wouldn't be able to use my name against me. I would also be able to keep focusing on my escape plan, because every time they called me by my "name", I would remember that these weren't my friends- they were my kidnappers. And as stupid as it sounds, I knew that that was important if I am to avoid getting Stockholm Syndrome, and eventually to escape.
"Guys, can we talk in the kitchen?" Hairy asked, an uncertain expression on his pale skin. Liam stood up, pulling me uncomfortable up with him, then picked me up and carried me to a small door under the stairs. It was filled with blankets and beanbags, the works, so it didn't hurt when I was set down.
He closed the door, and the once lit tiny room became pitch black.
As soon as I heard the door close, I began trying to untie myself. I hadn't done anything of the sort in front of my kidnappers, because they would stop me pretty quickly, but now my fingers flew as I begin to try and untie myself. At first it was pretty difficult, because my hands were tied to my shoulders, and it was completely dark, but I managed to untie my hands, and wiggle out of the rope that held my arms in place. My feet were a bit more difficult, because Hairy had been the one to tie my legs and knees together, and he was good at it too. Finally, I was finished, and I carefully opened the door, trying to keep it from squeaking. I heard them walking down the hallway, so I did what immediately came to mind- I jumped behind one of the couches, hiding. And just in time too, because from my hiding place I could see the 5 boys... Wait, it looked like a Hairy wasn't with them anymore. Ok, the 4 boys.
They opened the door, jumping back as if they thought I would try and jump out at them from my bound state.
Haha. Jokes on them.

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