The morning

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Louis's P.O.V.
"Ok, so the man selling this stuff showed me a few moves", Zayn said, demonstrating with the boa staff, swinging it around.
"About that.... I'm not really sure if that's the best idea. Last night, after I brought Sammy upstairs, I don't know.... She just seemed so.... Broken. I wouldn't feel right about threatening her with these" Niall said, gesturing at the five boa staffs lined up on the wall.
Niall was so forgiving, it's strange. Yesterday, Sammy almost purposefully killed him, and now he's worried about her emotions.
"I think your right. Zayn, thanks, and it's a good idea, but let's try working this out before using the big sticks, and see how it goes." Liam said gently.
Zayn looked sad, but he nodded. Besides, what if someone talked to Sammy about it? Are music career would probably be in jeopardy if a girl we kidnapped told the press that we had been threatening to beat her with sticks.
I sighed.
"I'll go wake her up" volunteered Harry. He had been quiet this morning, surprisingly quiet, in fact. I wondered what was on his mind.

Fiona's P.O.V.
I decided that the whole trying to get away thing wasn't working. I may have been good at escaping, but they were five angry teenage boys. They could easily hurt me if they tried.
So I was taking a new approach: getting along with them. Just thinking about becoming 'friends' with my kidnappers left a bitter taste in my mouth. But if there was one thing I needed to avoid, it was one of the boys falling in love with me. That would be bad, because when guys date a girl, they can overstep their boundaries.
The door creaked open. Wow, it was really creaky.
Curly walked in, with a look that said he half expected a fight.
I sat up, already dressed. I walked towards him, and his shoulders tensed, expecting a battle. But, to his obvious surprise, I just stood next to him and asked "can I have breakfast?" His face broke in a smile.
Wow, that was easy. He opened the door for me, grabbing my hand as we walked out of my bedroom. I tried to pull away my hand, but he held on tight. Sighing, I stopped walking, swung my elbow down, forcing his hand off of mine in a very easy painless move.
"Hey!" Curley said, trying to grab my hand again, but I evaded him.
He reached for my hand once more, but I sat on the edge of the indoor balcony, overlooking the living room. Before he could pull me back, I jumped.
"Sammy!" He cried out, obviously thinking that I was trying to commit suicide or something.
I flipped through the air, rolling on impact. I landed on my feet, stumbling just a little. That was, by far, my favorite move. Whenever I did that, I got such a strong reaction- it was pretty funny.

Harry's P.O.V.
I opened the door, bracing myself. There was no way she was going to give in without a fight.
Sammy sat up on the bed, a calm yet sad expression on her face. "Can I have some breakfast?" She asked, walked my over to me. I still wasn't convinced that she had given in, but I grabbed her hand and opened the door.
She tried pulling her hand away, but I wouldn't let her. Then, without Andy apparent difficultly, she stepped closer to be, touched elbows, and my hand was easily forced from hers.
I shook my head. Focus.... I grabbed at her hand again, but she jumped back, and hoisted herself up so she sat in the indoor balcony, looking down at the main floor.
"Sammy, wait!" I called, but it was too late. She swung her legs around, and jumped off.
"SAMMY!!!" I called again, even though it was too late.
I heard the boys running from the kitchen, except for Zayn, who had been upstairs.
"What, what happened?" He looked stunned.
"I... I don't..." But then I saw her. She had... Landed on her feet? How....
"What's going..." Liam said, jogging into the living room. When he saw Sammy there alone, he ran towards her, grabbing her hands and holding them tightly behind her back. She struggled for a second, then seemed to remember something, and gave up.
"Ugh.... What did I miss?" Louis walked into the room, frowning in confusion at the scene. Liam was holding Sammy's hands behind her back, Zayn and I were standing on the second level balcony, looking worried.
"Umm.... I tried to grab Sammy's hand, and she jumped off the balcony." I tried to explain. Louis smirked.

Sammy's P.O.V.
Wow... Curly just admitted that I jumped off a balcony to avoid holding hands with him. I tried not to laugh, which was a little easier than I thought it would be, with Liam clasping my hands firmly behind me. I struggled a little, trying to get a little more comfortable, but his grip just tightened. I knew what to do- I could pretty easily just step back, grasp his wrists, and flip him over my shoulder, but I decided against it. I needed to stop fighting back, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape.
He lead me into the kitchen, which was the first time I had seen it. The other boys followed, and I realized that only three of them were following. Blondie was still in the kitchen, stuffing himself with pancakes.
"Uh, Niall?" Liam asked, and I couldn't see his face, but he seemed sort of confused.
"What?" Blondie asked. "You guys seemed to have it under control."
Liam sat me down at the end of the table, against a wall so I would have to pass all of them to escape. I sighed, and grabbed a plate at the middle of the table, assuming it was mine. I started eating, when I looked up and saw the questioning looks pointed my way.
"Ummm..... You know those aren't just for you."
I realized that this plate, which had about 7 pancakes on it, was supposed to be for everyone.
"Oh..." I stopped eating, a blush spreading across my cheeks.
"How were you planning to eat that much anyway?" Hairy (A/N just remember that she calls Zayn hairy, because she doesn't know there names.) asked, doubtful.
"Are you kidding me? You kidnapped me before dinner, and did you see those flips I did earlier? What, did you think that I would only eat a little?" I said, annoyed. Oh, I'm a girl, so I probably starve myself to try and look good. I'm a girl, so I probably try my best to avoid eating. Disgusting.
I looked up again, and saw Blondie smiling. "Well, that's certainly a nice opinion." He grinned.
"What?" I asked, my turn to be confused.
"Oh, your opinions about how sexist we are for thinking that girls don't eat." He replied, stuffing a fork full of pancake into his mouth.
"Oh... I said that outloud...."
The boys laughed, except for Brunette (A/N Louis), who got up to make more pancakes.
"Wait, hold the phone." Curly said, looking up. I had just finished my last pancake, and I wiped my mouth with a napkin.
"Why haven't you fainted, or screamed, or something like that?" He asked me, dead serious.
"Why would I faint or scream? Oh this is because I'm a girl, isn't it?" I stood up from my chair, and Liam moved so he looked like he was about to jump up. "I'm a girl, so I should've been terrified when I was kidnapped by three idiots." Wow, this kidnapping thing made me strangely mean. "I should have been terrified, crying in a puddle, mentally writing my will in my head. But the thing is, just because I have female gentiles, doesn't mean I'm a weakling." At the part where I mentioned female gentiles, Curly was looking down, as if just remembering. I was so annoyed, I threw my butter knife at him. I didn't have enough focus, though, so the knife missed him by a foot, and hit the wall behind him loudly. I think I made each boy jump a foot out of there seats, and Curly, who was most surprised, toppled onto the floor. Liam grabbed my wrist, but I twisted my hand, stepped underneath his elbow, and flipped him.
"Wait, just calm down." Niall stood, holding his hands up in surrender. "Harry had said that, because we are One Direction."
"What the heck is One Direction?"
They all looked at each other, eyes wide. Liam stood up, glared at me, and sat back down on his chair.
"We are one if the most famous boy bands in the world. I'm Niall, that's Louis, that's Harry, that's Zayn, and that's Liam."
I shrugged. "So?"
I don't think Curly/Harry believed me.
"Wait! Your Harry?" I asked, pointing at Curly.
"Finally!" He looked relieve. "She at least recognizes me!"
"No, I thought he was Hairy" I said, pointing at "Zayn".
They laughed, and the tension in the room was relieved.
"Let's watch a movie!" Liam suggested. I didn't like that idea, but it seemed like a better option than sitting around with the boys.
"No, let's play truth or dare!" Louis suggested, his face lighting up in a smile. Ew, no, I thought, but they agreed to, and I decided that I needed to get back on track with my plan for becoming friends with them before escaping. I sat down on the couch.
"Ok, Sammy, truth or Dare?" I looked up, remembering that I was "Sammy".
"Um, I guess, truth?" Louis frowned.
"Ok, what's your real name?" I frowned, and looked up.
"Sa-mmy?" I stuttered.
"Your lying!" Louis shot up from the couch. "You stuttered!"
I probably should have figured out something better, but I just sighed, and said "fine. My real names Fiona." All of the boys gasped in unison.
"Err... Hairy, truth or dare?" I asked, trying to stop the awkward silence. I looked over at his black hour, when he looked up and realized that I was looking at him.
"Err, my names Zayn. That's Harry" he said, pointing across the room at Curly.
"Oh, right." I looked at curly, who said "dare."
"Fine, I dare you to go stand outside for five minutes. And leave your phone here." He looked at me like I was crazy.
"What kind of a dare is that?" He said puzzled.
I pointed outside, where it was pouring rain. When they realized what I was doing, they laughed, all except Harry.
He frowned, hung his head in shame, and said "fine" in a babyish voice.

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