Kiddnapping Scene (And almost killing Niall)

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Fiona's POV:

I walk into the gas station, keeping a careful watch of the people around me. None of them seemed suspicious, but I was careful to keep an eye on them as I bought my National Geographic magazine, paid with cash, and left, the door chiming behind me.

After walking for a few minutes, I started to notice that some guys were following me. I turned left, and a few seconds later, they did too. I turned left again, and again, they did too. I kept doing this until I was sure they had followed me. That was a problem. 

I tried to figure out my options. Ugh, no one but them seemed to be around. I ducked in an alley, and kept walking, quickly pulling out my phone. 9-1- my phone was knocked out of my hand by one of the guys who had seemed to materialize in front of me.
In one move, I scooped up my phone and grabbed the guys arm. Twisting with all of my body weight, I flipped him, then started running. I looked at my phone, but it had a long crack along the screen, and seemed to be ruined. 

I grabbed my mace and ran faster. I was about to cross another street when a van pulled up Right in front of me, so close I felt my hair being pushed back.

I turned around to run, but my pursuers had caught up. I was grabbed, pushed, and eventually carried into the van as I screamed for help and tried to fight back, but it was useless. They pressed the dreaded chloroform clothe to my nose, and the blackness enveloped me. 


The fan across the room rotated almost a whole 180 degrees. That's weird, mine only rotates 90 degrees, and is blue, not white.

I sat up quickly, or tried to, but was pulled right back down. My hands were tied tightly to the bedpost.

I have been kidnapped. 

It's the only explanation. 

Obviously, I mean the van was a bit of a dead giveaway. Why does every pedophile have a frickin van? They're expensive! Maybe that's why they have to kidnap people...

Wait. I've been kidnapped. I just prossessed, I actually was just kidnapped. 

How did I let this happen?

The door creaked open, and I kept my eyes wide open, before I could decide against it. A boy with brown curly hair stepped in, closing and locking the door. 

As he walked closer I could see the smile on his face grow. I started struggling against the ropes. No, this couldn't happen. No, It wouldn't. Doctor Willis said that the odds of me being kidnapped were extremely low, like as likely as me finding a fifty dolor bill in the snow. 

He was almost next to me. I struggled harder, maybe I could slip out or something, I refused to be so weak.

But I was.

He stood right next to the bed, looking down on me. I couldn't tell how old he was, maybe in his twenties, but I knew how operations like this worked. 

I looked up at him, realizing I wasn't getting away. 

But that doesn't mean I wasn't giving up. 

So, giving it my all, I screamed the loudest I ever have. Nothing in particular, just a scream, a plea of help, a yell of pain. 

"Woah, stop screaming! Stop screaming!" His panicked voice gave me hope, and I stopped.

He reached over and started messing with the ropes on my hands. As soon as I felt the pressure release, I leaped off the bed and stumbled/ran to the door, desperately trying to open it. Hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back, but I fought back, kicking and screaming. I tried to hook me leg around his calf to pull him down, but the constant shuffling made it impossible. Finally, I managed to raise my elbow, and hit my attacker above his jaw. I didn't have time to look to see him fall, I ran to the door and flipped the lock, rushing out before I got a chance to. 

I turn a corner, and run into someone. Another boy.
Ugh. Boys.
I kick him with a beautiful side kick, but he grabbed my leg, and pushes me back. I fall, hard, and land on the wood floor. The boy, who has white-blonde hair, quickly picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder.
I try and remember my self defense classes.... It wouldn't do me any good to try and punch him, I'm too off balance..... I tip as far back as I can, then forwards, then twist and fall backwards, rolling and landing on my feet. The boy grabs at my wrist, but I step underneath his elbow, hold his wrist with my hands, and flip him using my full body weight.
I hear running from what seems to be all directions- the room where Curley was knocked out, downstairs, and.... Ok, two directions. I was trapped, so I grabbed at the blonde, and held him in a tight headlock.
Before I knew it, I was surrounded by 4 boys. They ran at me, but when they saw the headlock I had on blondie, they backed up quickly.
"Niall? Are you all right?" Asked the boy with blonde hair and brown roots, stepping forwards carefully. I decided to call him paint, because of his colored hair.
I tightened my grip on blondie, and he started gagging. Alarm flashed on the faces of my kidnappers; they were genuinely concerned for there 'friend'. That was a good sign; I was much less likely to get brutally raped then murdered.
"Please, let Nialler go" said one of the kidnappers on my right. His voice was higher pitched then most boys, and his hair was perfectly messed up. I named him brunette, because of his brown hair and sort of girlish voice.
If I let the boy go, then I would be surrounded, and they would be angry. But I couldn't nessesesarily kill him- then they would be more angry.
Blondie seemed to have stopped breathing altogether. I released the neck of the boy I was holding slightly, which was a mistake. He reared his head backwards, hitting my nose, and momentarily stunning me. He rolled to the left, and lay on the ground, gasping.
Immediately, the kidnapper who had been standing next to brunette threw himself at me, grabbing me in a bear hug from behind, squeezing me arms to my sides. I duck down, trying to hit his stomach with a head butt, but he holds me fast. I struggle, trying to make another attack, but I'm not able to. He grabs my waist with one hand, and my chin with the other. He forces my mouth shut, and loops one of his legs around both of mine, slowly pulling me to the ground.
"Liam," Curly says, apparently to the kidnapper I'm currently dealing with, "I'll go grab the stuff."
I wait for a minute, held extremely tightly by Liam/Paint as Curly runs back the way he came, going into a door next to the one I had come out of. I glance over at the others. Brunette is comforting blondie, who is just beginning to breathe normally again, while a tattoo clad boy/man (wait, no boy. After all, he kidnapped me) stood behind them, looking concerned. Since I had associated the other four boys with nicknames, I decided to call this one........ Hairy, because his black hair looked like he had actually used products on it this morning.
Curly came back with a shipping box, and he and Hairy began to restrain me again, Liam still holding me tight. They tied my arms together at the elbows, then crossed them over my chest like a mummy, tying them to my shoulders. After they had done that, they tied my legs together at the ankles and knees, so I couldn't run, or kick them. I sighed. Liam picked me up, and I didn't bother recoiling or resisting. If I did, all that would happen is that he would drop me, which wouldn't help my situation.
He carried me downstairs, bridal style (probably because I had already proved that over the shoulder style didn't work with me, and that it would be extremely uncomfortable with my arms crossed over my chest).
The other boys followed him, down the stairs, as I decided to try and creat a strategy. I could try weakness, but I didn't think they would buy it, what with me almost choking blondie to death. I could try pretending that I had Stockholm syndrome, and acting all friendly, but again, I doubted that would work. I ended up deciding that I would continue with my current strategy; show no fear, and try to escape.
But in the back of me head, I wondered- if they weren't going to rape or murder me (most likely), what was I here for?
Author's Note:
Ok, so here are the nicknames in case you were confused:
Liam- Liam (I know, it's really original👏), or Paint (Jon Cozart!)
Niall- Blondie
Louis- Brunette
Harry- Curly
Zayn- Hairy

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