Seventy One

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-Another Love-

-i wanna cry and i wanna love-

-but all my tears have been used up-

It took approximately eight minutes for Vena to realize Draco did not fetch Slughorn's potions.

She realized it, processed it, and denied it. She denied that he went to the forest, and denied that he was going to watch Harry die.

The next half hour was spent waiting. And Vena hated waiting.

The mark on her arm still bled, and Vena refused to take any blood replenishing potions. She wasn't going to waste it on herself when there were other students that needed it more.

Vena underwent a lot of pain for the past half hour, and decided it was time to bury everything. She couldn't focus on the pain, couldn't focus on the fact that Draco left, couldn't focus that Theo is dead, and that soon enough, Harry will be to.

So she buried it, down into the soil. It took a lot more time and focus than usual, but she managed it. When she buried everything Vena felt numb. She felt disassociated from everything around her.

Students were crying and moaning in pain, family were surrounding their loved ones, and Blaise was still holding Theo's hand.

Vena decided to use her dissociative state to help Madam Promfrey. She assisted Madam Promfrey dress students' wounds and feed them the little supply of potions they had left. There wasn't that much, and Vena wished that Draco went to Slughorn's class like he promised.

The mention of Draco caused a few emotions to grow out of the soil, but Vena shoved them back down again. She wasn't going to feel anything. She didn't want to feel anything.

What was she thinking about again? Oh. Potions.

Vena knew she should've made more. She had a whole year to prepare for this day, and yet she ran out of potions. She shouldn't of given everyone the usual dosage. It was a waste.

Because now people were dying all around her and there was nothing she could do without the potions. Vena wasn't like Draco. She wasn't a Healer like he was. All she had to offer were potions. Vena sighed.

She needed to stop thinking about Draco. Thinking about Draco will make Vena think about everything else.

In her dissociative state, she took the time to take things around her without feeling them. It proved to be more difficult than she thought. She barely even registered that the sun was starting to rise. It reminded Vena of her nights with Harry.

When they would spend the whole night talking until the sun came up. Vena buried her emotions again. No thinking about Draco and no thinking about Harry. Vena replayed it like a mantra in her head.

She spent so much time not thinking about Draco and Harry that she didn't notice everyone was rushing out of the Great Hall until Blaise had grabbed her arm and pulled her to the courtyard.

At least Blaise was better. Or so it seemed. Tears were still in his eyes, and Vena could hear him sniffling. She think she was crying before, but she couldn't really remember.

Blaise pulled her hand to the front of the steps, so she could see better. She doesn't really know why Blaise would want her to see what's going on. Vena didn't really care at the moment.

Behind her were students and Professors and Order members, while the other side had Death Eaters, werewolves, and Snatchers. No one said anything. No one made a move.

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