Sixty Two

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-feel the earth move and then-

-hear my heart burst again-

Snape said nothing when he walked into his office. Alecto was standing behind him, smirking gleefully, but Snape showed no shock.

It was like he knew that they were going to do this. Like he knew that she was friends with the other three and he expected them to take the sword.

He looked at Vena, and arched his eyebrow so slight that no one would be able to notice unless they were close with him.

Vena swallowed thickly. She didn't know what was going to happen. She knew that Snape would never intentionally hurt her, as her and Draco are most likely the only children that he doesn't completely hate.

But she doesn't know what he's going to do in front of the others. He had a reputation to uphold.

He walked over to the four students, and stood in front of them. Then, he whipped out his wand, and pointed it at Vena.

'Act like it hurts,'  he said in her mind.

Vena furrowed her brows, confused, but pursed her lips in understanding, and Snape muttered, "Crucio."

Vena couldn't believe it. He knew how to do it. How to talk in her mind, and how to falsely cast a Cruciatus Curse.

Vena had originally thought that she was the creator of the trick, but apparently not. Because Snape had discovered it as well. Who knows how long ago he had come up with this trick.

Due to Vena's experience with the Cruciatus Curse, it was fairly easy for her to act like he was hurting her. Damn, she deserves an award for her acting.

She tried to mimic the torture that she dealt with earlier, and gave it all she got. She hoped she wasn't overdoing it, but with the yells of protests from her friends she assumed that she was doing a good job.

About two minutes passed by, before Snape told her he was done in her mind.

She heard the sound of his arm dropping by his side, and Vena made sure to make a show that she was painting from the torture. She curled into herself, trying to mimic the pain she felt from two summers ago.

"Did you torture the others, Carrow?" Snape asked, turning towards Alecto.

"Yes, Headmaster. I made sure to take my time with them before I came to you," she said happily.

Snape nodded. "Very well then." He pointed his wand at Carrow, and whispered, "Legilimens."

A couple moments went by before he lowered his wand. "You should go back to bed, Carrow," Snape said diplomatically.

Still in her confused state, Carrow nodded. She left the room, and Snape walked in front of them.

Vena turned to the others, who all looked confused. They had never seen Snape act like a decent human being.

He pointed his wand at Seamus. "Legilimens."

Ginny, Stella, and Neville were too stunned to speak. Vena knew that if they weren't so confused by what was happening, they would be protesting a lot more. To be quite honest, Vena was confused too.

She did't know what the purpose was of him going inside their memories, rather than just obliviating them. Vena wanted to ask questions, but knew it wasn't the right time. Snape most likely wouldn't tell her with the others in the room anyway.

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