Fifty One

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-baby can't you see i'm calling-

-a guy like you should wear warning-

Vena was bored. She always is, and gets bored constantly. It's the main reason for her spacing out and going inside of her mind. She would get so bored with whatever was happening that she would replay memories in her mind just to pass the time.

But with Harry, Vena would just interrupt whatever he was working on. She knew that he didn't mind that she would distract him.

She smiled wistfully at the times she interrupted Harry to talk to him, simply due to the fact that the task at hand was uninteresting.

Waiting is boring. She should know, she spent all of last year waiting. Waiting for Draco to fix the cabinet, waiting for Dumbledore to drop dead, waiting for her to be killed.

But waiting for an attack that she wishes to take no part in, that is what makes waiting mentally draining.

Vena was honestly surprised that she was here in the first place. Her mother was heavily against it, especially after what had happened when Vena got her mark.

Her mother has had a hatred for the Dark Lord ever since last year when Draco got his mark, but the way that Vena received hers was the tipping point. She had tried to get Aunt Bella to convince the Dark Lord that Draco and Vena shouldn't have to be there, but her Aunt disagreed.

Aunt Bella thought that it was good that the twins were coming on the mission, and refused to change the Dark Lord's mind.

So instead of being safe and sound at home, Vena had to examin the sky under a disillusionment charm, waiting for Harry and his rescue team to arrive. The Death Eaters were on strict orders to kill everyone except Harry.

He was to be saved for the Dark Lord.

She just hoped that the Order had headed her warning and decided to not move Harry tonight. But that was wishful thinking.

She knew that everyone in the Order was stubborn. To her knowledge, it consisted mostly of Gryffindors, which wasn't surprising at all. She hoped that Harry could convince them enough, and that they would listen to him.

After all, if a Death Eater told them that they would be ambushing them, wouldn't you think that they would listen?

Vena cursed. Of course they wouldn't. Of course they thought that they would be able to take on the Death Eaters.

Because not only did she see Harry, she saw seven. Seven Harry's, all riding with a different protector. She inhaled a deep breath before removing the Disillusionment Charm and joining the fight.

There were spells everywhere. She couldn't make out where the end result was, but she knew that the flashes of green came from the Death eaters.

"Avada Kedavra," she yelled, but purposefully missed.

She aimed a few feet lower than one of the Harry's on a broom, and continued to do that method while trailing a fake Harry.

She didn't think it was her Harry, as he would've certainly used the disarming spell rather than the more intricate spells that this Harry was doing.

"Pertificus Totalus!" she yelled, aiming it to the left of the fake Harry.

The fake Harry blocked it easily, and the protector turned around. Vena caught a glimpse of who it was, and saw red, long hair. It must've been a Weasley, but Vena had no clue who it was.

Forget-Me-Not {Harry Potter}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ