Twenty Seven

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-Bubble Gum-

-bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse-

-but my luck couldn't get any worse-


Vena and Draco both panted, standing across from the other. Aunt Bellatrix had been training them for the past four hours, and Vena felt like her body and mind was going to collapse. No one should have to practice the Cruciatus curse for four hours.

Although, it wasn't just the Cruciatus curse that Aunt Bellatrix was teaching them. Their Aunt had decided that the best way to teach Occlumency and Legilimency would be to torture them while they practiced. Because it totally wasn't draining on two sixteen year olds.

At least Vena was doing better than Draco. She already had a grasp on Legilimency while being a natural Occlumens, so the torture wasn't as terrible.

But Draco was not a skilled Occlumens. He couldn't bury his pain like she could. He couldn't use his mind as a defensive shield from the pain that was inflicted on him, because he didn't have a shield in the first place.

Because Draco was tasked with killing Dumbledore, their mother had felt it was time for Draco to learn Occlumency. She was worried that someone like Snape or Dumbledore, both skilled Legilimens, will find out about the Dark Lord's plan.

No one was to know about Draco's task besides his family. Logically, it made sense. But Vena wished that her mother had trained them instead of allowing Aunt Bellatrix to teach them. Surely she wasn't that terrified of her sister that she would relent and subject her children to hours of torture.


That being said, their Aunt had interesting tactics to training the twins. Bellatrix wanted them to be able to use Occlumency and Legilimency whilst being tortured.

It was far harder than it looks.

It was hard to focus on anything while your whole body is going through shock, and it feels like your being stabbed in a million places. Even though Vena could bury her emotions and the feeling of that pain, she could still feel her body go through that pain.

She knew that she was being tortured, and could feel the pain, but it was as if there was this wall that was blocking her mind from fully processing it.

She was brought back to reality when her Aunt cackled, even though no one had said anything. She grinned, as if laughing with an old friend.

Although, knowing her Aunt, her and the Cruicatus curse could be regarded as old friends. You can't think of one without connecting the other. Bellatrix is known for her uses of the spell. She just wished that Bellatrix wasn't the one to torture her.

If it were Draco, perhaps the pain would've lessened. Not physically; the pain would still be there. But with Draco, she would've known that her brother didn't really want to torture her.

Vena didn't know if Bellatrix thought the same. She had a feeling that her Aunt was taking secret pleasure in doing this to her.

While Bellatrix was the one to perform the Cruicatus curse, Draco ad the honor of being the guinea pig. Vena was to practice her Legilimency on him, because Merlin forbid Vena went inside her Aunt's mind.

Just a few months ago, Draco didn't want Vena to enter his mind. And now, she was forced to do exactly that. It was a breach of privacy, and with the two being twins, privacy wasn't an easy thing to come by.

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