➴ Apollo jr. ➴

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I hadn't been feeling well for a couple of weeks now, throwing up every time I would wake up, most of the time I did wake up to throw up. I reluctantly pushed Apollo out of the house telling him to raise the sun, the sun shouldn't suddenly stop for me. Apollo told me that he would come straight home when he was done.

I was sitting on my tibias, resting my forehead on my arms, so if I had to throw up I didn't have to move but I wasn't in a too uncomfortable position. I hated morning sickness so much, it cut into my sleeping schedule, but then I could fall asleep and Apollo couldn't harp on me about it.

I never knew the morning sickness was this bad until a few weeks ago, I dreaded waking up more than I usually did. Sometimes the sickness would catch me in the middle of the day and in the evenings.

I told myself last week that if my sickness didn't start to feel better or go away I'd take the test. I dragged myself off of the toilet and opened one of the wooden drawers under my side of the sink. I had one tucked in the back, just in case Apollo opened it, it wouldn't be sitting there in all of its glory. I flushed the toilet of my throw up, going down like it had never happened.

I opened the thin cardboard box, the colored box revealing ten several different tests. One of my shaky hands picked one up, the test laid in my hand, it was sad to me that a little test was scaring me so bad.

I quickly peed on the test, I hated every second of it, I wasn't usually a over thinker but this sure was making me overthink things. 

What if my boyfriend left me because of the child? We've been together for 5 almost 6 years now but there was still some doubt in my mine. It was a known fact that Gods and Goddesses left their mortal lovers once they had gotten them pregnant or had gotten pregnant. It wasn't like the test was going to come back positive anyways. Right?

I looked at the test expecting to see one line on the test, it was like the fates just wanted to prove me wrong, it showed two lines. I groaned, sliding down the bathroom wall with the test clutched to my chest. Tears began flowing down my cheek at a steady rate, I couldn't do this. I was twenty two, sure everyone my age was settling down, but I wasn't like everyone else my age.

I knew Apollo loved me, but how far did that love go? Did he love me in a boyfriend way and nothing else. Maybe he did want to have a family, but the chances of that were far too slim. I was scared of loosing my boyfriend, but I didn't want to loose the baby and still have Apollo. Why couldn't the fates take it easy on me for once?

I put the used pregnancy test in the back of my drawer, went back to bed wanting to sleep, and not have to worry about anything for awhile. When I woke up today to throw up all my guts out I did not think this was going to happen... at all.

~ line break ~ (Christmas Day)

"I have one more gift for you" I told Apollo getting up from my spot on the floor, Apollo on the other couch gave me a confused look.

"And here I thought you just being here was one of the best gifts." 

"Why are you so cheesy all the time?" I laughed leaving him in the living room and going to our shared bathroom. A few days ago I grabbed a small box, put the positive test in, taped it up, and wrapped it in holiday themed wrapping paper. 

I knew that I needed to show Apollo the test, as he was the father, it felt wrong to me if he didn't know. This was his child as much as it was mine. I walked out of the bathroom, with very little pep in my step. 

"That's a tiny gift. What's in it? A love note? Maybe some amazing haikus?" Apollo guessed.

"Just take it." I placed the gift delicately in his hand, backing away, and jumping on the opposite couch. I started chewing on my nail as he ripped open the wrapping paper. He must've sensed how nervous I was and sent a loving smile my way as if he was trying to calm me down. It calmed me down for a little bit until I realized that I was scared of his reaction.

The God peeled off the tape quickly, the blond looked inside the box with not a ounce of emotion. I was already regretting this, I ran my fingers through my messy uncontainable hair.

"Are you joking?" Apollo asked me looking up at me.


"I don't think I'll be able to handle this if it's a joke." He told me, looking back down at the test, he picked it up in his hands as if he wanted to make sure that it was a real test.

"It's not a joke. I promise." Apollo got off the couch, taking big strides to my couch, and pulled me into a tight hug. One of his hands was already caressing my stomach as if trying to find where the baby was located.

"You're pregnant." The God said astonished, I knew he was trying to make it kick into his brain. "I take it it's my child?"

"Of course." I nuzzled my head into his shoulder, happy that his response wasn't anything aggressive, even though he never gave me a type of aggressive that I didn't like...

Apollo pulled back from the hug, he gave me a watery smile, before hugging me even tighter than before. "I'm naming the baby Apollo jr."

"No you aren't. I forbid that."

"It's already on the birth certificate. Plus I'm the doctor I get to write it."

"Nope. No way."

Maybe the fates were on my side for once... just for this once.

Ayo. That's all I got.


Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now