➴ I think we can all agree on hating Ares ➴

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Aeliana's pov:

I looked up from one of my textbooks to see one of my best friend, a son of Hermes, come sit down next to me.

"I heard your parents are in a fight." Angelioforos drawled slowly. I nodded my head as if asking him what he was getting at. "Just wanted to see how you were holding up."

"I'm fine, it's not like they are divorcing. Mom won't tell me what's going on, neither would dad. I can smell the tension seeping off of them, I just hope this gets resolved by Christmas."

"That would only be two days away..." I rolled my eyes at the son of Hermes. Angelioforos was two thousand almost three thousand years older than me, while I was sitting at the ripe age of fifteen.

"I know, but who knows what will happen."

"Yeah maybe Apollo will see that Percy is right?"

"The both of us don't even know what this fight was about and yet you think my mom didn't do anything and is correct?"

"He usually is when it comes down to fights." I nodded my head knowing that he was correct, but usually my mom would tell me about their fights, not in a bad way he just knew that I liked to know what was happening, but this one was different.

I walked in the family home, it was dead silent so I knew neither of them were home. Dang it. I wanted to bug my father so he would help me with my work.

All the Christmas decorations where up and cheerful, there were pictures of our small family on the mantle, I gave a grateful smile as I had the best parents I could have ever I shed for. I decided to go into the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge and go into my room to watch a movie and relax.

I must've been relaxing to hard, as I had fallen asleep with my head smothered in pillows and blankets.

The sound I woke up at was not at all pleasant, my mom and dad yelling at each other from the living room. Now I'm not one to listen to what other people were saying or arguing about, but when they are yelling at each other and I can clearly hear it through my wall... it's kinda hard not to.

"-Aeliana!" I heard my father yell. Oh, so they were fighting about me?

"We can't control her! She's going to turn sixteen here in a few months! Stop acting like Olympian and act like her father!" I heard my mom yell back at him. No wonder they didn't want to tell me what was happening.

"What's that supposed to mean?" My dad asked in a icy cold voice.

"Oh please you don't scare me." The son of Poseidon stated in a colder voice. "It means that you Olympian Gods are always trying to control other people's lives." Oooo burn. This was getting more interesting by the second.

I didn't need to be in the same room to know what they were talking, well more like who they were talking about. Angelioforos. My dad never liked it when I brought him up, I didn't know why but I started to make sure to not speak about him when my father was in my room, unless I wanted to make him mad.

"I'm not trying to invade her life! I'm looking out for her!"

"I get it I do! But you're just being a control freak, that's not a good way to get her to respect what you're saying!"

"I just don't want her to get stabbed like our last child!" In a matter of seconds it went deathly silent. I swear I could've heard someone talking in Greece from how quiet it was. I heard Apollo try to apologize for bringing up the tough loss but Percy told him to leave him alone. My dad's footsteps started to retreat to the front door, the vibrations from the slammed door shook the house.

I heard my mom's crying from the living room, he always had a tough time dealing with the loss of my older brother. I knew that my dad was mad but I still don't think that he should've said that, especially in the manner that he did, but who am I to pick sides?

I slowly got off my bed and went into the kitchen to comfort my mom. My mom thought that it was his fault for the baby dying, because he was the one watching him that night, but it was no way in Hades his fault in fact it was all the way Ares's fault.

Ares had put something in my mom's drink knocking him out in only a few minutes and as revenge for the son of Poseidon beating him in duels and shit.... he killed their first son, my older brother. My older brother had just been born a few months before he was killed so there was no way he could've fought back.

I opened my door quietly, making sure not to make any noise on the floorboards, I soon reached the kitchen to see my mom sitting against the cabinets with the vessel that held his son's ashes in it.

He was clutching it to his chest like it was going to disappear any minute. I didn't know what to do so I sat next to my mom and put my head on his shoulder.

The God looked at me startled. I tried to give him the best reassuring smile that I could. My biological mother wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, I didn't know that you were in the house." He apologized.

"Did dad say that I couldn't hang out with Angelioforos?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I think you can handle yourself though." My mother muttered.

"I mean if he doesn't feel comfortable I guess I would get it but I would like to make my own decisions. If you know what I mean." My mother nodded tears still shining in his eyes.

"Are you guys fighting because you don't love each other anymore?" I asked him very concerned. Usually parents fought when they fell out of love...

"No, I think we are fighting because we do love each other." I was told. I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek before telling him that I was going to go to bed and that I would see him in the morning.

I knew that my dad would be back in a few minutes apologizing to my mom, I didn't want to intrude on that... it felt more of a private thing.

~ line break ~

I walked out of my room, my hair a mess. It looked like a rat's nest in the back of it. I walked past the couch to see something that shocked me.

My father wasn't sleeping there... They had made up. Apollo always took the couch when my mom was mad at him, probably because he kicked father out... I was so happy I almost started singing Christmas carols. I knew that they would make up soon. I was just happy that it was before Christmas, 'at least Christmas Eve won't be awkward...' I thought to myself.

Wait... I kinda like this chapter... I may bring Aeliana back for a second round aka chapter... plus this is longer than my usual chapters...


Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now