➴ Christmas shopping things ➴

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I decided that I wanted to switch up the point of view... so may the Gods help you when you're reading this.

3rd person:

Percy was looking down many aisles of products trying to find the perfect gift for Apollo. The used to be demigod didn't know what to get him as Apollo could get himself whatever he wanted. So technically Apollo had everything he could want, even Percy. Even if Percy didn't know that himself.

Annabeth was telling Percy that he was being over dramatic and Apollo would love anything the boy would get him, but said boy was telling her that he would care and that the gift was important.

Annabeth knew that this was something that she wasn't going to win and just decided to roll with it. 

"He's a God, he might judge." Percy said with a bit of anxiety rising in his voice.

"The last time I checked you were also a God." Annabeth said with a groan as this was a conversation that they had already had many times today. "And before you say he was born a God and you weren't, he's in love with you and I'm not sure that he'll care one way or another." The daughter of Athena smiled at Percy before going to a shelf to look at the books.

"This is important!"

"I know it is seaweed brain, I already got something for my girlfriend. You should think ahead and think of gift ideas and list them down and at the end of the year you'll have plenty of ideas

 Percy gave a thoughtful look to the daughter of the Goddess of wisdom. "Hmmm nah."

"What do you mean nah?"

"I'm just to lazy for that, I mean it's a great idea which isn't shocking because you're full of those. But like where's the fun in that?"

"It's there to make a neat orderly Christmas!"

"Me and Apollo are neither of those things." The God of rain said with a smirk. He practically had to drag the blonde from her book, so they could get a few things done for the day.

"Oh and by the way it's Apollo and I. Someone really needs to fix your grammar." Percy's best friend corrected.

"Someone needs to fix your face." Percy stated before having a random item from a shelf thrown at his head. Percy looked at a shelf finding the perfect book for Apollo, the title of the book was 'how to make your haikus better and not hurt other people's eardrums!' It was perfect. 

§ meanwhile in a different shop in a different county §

"I don't know what to get him!" The God of sun groaned as he entered the story with his twin, which he dragged her to go with him, trailing behind him not looking happy at her situation.

"Just get him a sock and be done with it." Artemis said with a groan. She did not want to be here, she needed to get some ingredients for a meal with her hunters. Apollo didn't need her advice and when she gave him good advice he'd shrug it off and never use it, then when he would fail at whatever he was doing, he would come to her and tell her how she shouldv'e given him advice.

"That's the best you come up with? A sock? Wow that's pretty lame of you." Apollo gave his signature smirk to Artemis.

"Can we just get this done because I actually have a life." 

"You life is the most boring life I've ever heard of. So this should be an improvement."

"Oh put a sock in it." The Goddess of the moon grumbled, more than a little annoyed.

"What is up with you and socks today? Is your sock in water and every time you walk it squishes?" The God of sun asked trying to annoy his sister the most he could.

"You are a walking talking migraine." The women with Auburn colored hair stated rubbing her temples. "Gods I hate men." 

"Hmm that's where we are different. I love men." Apollo commented. Older mortals, known as boomers, passed by the Olympians with a gross expression on their face at Apollo's comment.

"You probably shouldn't say that because somehow Poseidon will get ahold of that, tell Percy that you're cheating on him when you actually to my shock have never cheated on him, and Poseidon will curse you for breaking his son's heart."

"Hmm I guess you're right... for once. I love Percy."

Apollo passed by many items and still didn't have the slightest idea what to get his husband. Percy was a very simple guy, you could get him a taco and he'd be happy. Apollo loved his husband and practically knew him like how he knew how hot he was...

"How about you get Percy a customize bracelet? Like of your symbols and colors, and you have one of his symbols of colors on you wrist?" Artemis suggested to Apollo, picking at the dirt in her nail beds.

"Wait that's actually a good idea! You don't come up with those very often."

"This why people don't help you! You make fun of them afterwards. I don't understand how Percy can stand being in the same room as you almost all the time."

"One everyone loves me so therefore they love being around me, two I give Percy a fun time, three there's this odd thing called love, I'm not sure if you have ever heard of it..." Apollo put a hand on his twin sister's shoulder, giving her his best sincere face. "I know what it's like... wait no I don't I'm never jealous of anyone! I know how sad you must be that you can't be me, but look on the bright side! You're my twin and you can flex that I'm your twin which is such a great flex if you ask me."

"No one was asking you."

"Okay sock girl."

I'm sorry that I put your eyes through that trauma.

 Oh I almost forgot! I was texting one of my closest friends about this story and they gave me this chapter idea! Thegummybearishere go follow them! Or read their story it's pretty great!


Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now