Chapter 7- New Girl

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Kayla's POV

The teacher has been going on about the French revolution for the past twenty minutes. I'm half asleep staring out the window.

This morning Ethan came into my room waking me up. He told me I was late but really it was half five in the morning. Then he got all pissy with me when I punched him for waking me up.

Flashback to this morning...

"Kayla! Kayla! Get up your going to be late!" Someone shook me. I waved them off but they kept shaking me.

"Kayla Dad is going mad get up!" Ethan whisper yelled my eyes grew wide. I slept in!

I literally fell out of the bed. Ethan stifled a laugh I looked at him confused.

"What are looking at? Get dressed your going to be late." He waved me to hurry up.

I quickly stood up grabbing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a jumper. I quickly threw my hair up onto a messy bun. I think putting on these clothes beat my last record.

I rushed over to my bed pulling my phone out from under my pillow. I turn on my phone to see it read 5:30. Rage bubbled from inside me.

Just then Ethan walked back into the room. I stalked towards him.

"Kayla hurry up your going to be la__"

My fist connected with his cheek. He head swung back from the impact. He cupped his cheek in pain.

"What the hell was that for!" He shouted.

"Get out you asshole!" I pushed him out of my room. He was still slightly shocked and lost his balance for a moment. I closed the door in his face.

I didn't care I went back to sleep.

Flashback over...

But you know who got in trouble for the bruise on his cheek this morning. ME. He ratted me out. Everyone went on his side because it was just a "harmless joke". Harmless joke my ass I lost sleep. How is that fair? What happened to democracy?

A knock on the door came from the door. Everyones heads snapped towards the door. The teacher stopped talking.

"Come in."

In walked the principal and the girl I saw yesterday. He whispered something to the teacher and the teacher turned to everyone. While the principal left.

"Guys this is our new student Gabriella Stone. Please everyone be welcoming. Gabriella take a seat anywhere." The teacher said. Everyone watched the new girl take a seat beside me. Even though there was free chairs around me.

I looked at her confused no one sat beside me. Usually people just take the back seat but she sat right beside me.

The teacher started to teach again and everyone turned their attention back to the teacher. But casted curious glances at her.

I went back doodling on my copy. Someone tapped my arm. I ignored it at first and then it was tapped again. I looked up to the new girl.

"What is she talking about?" She whispered.

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